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So, I've quit my job...


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
I put in my one month notice today. My last day here will be Feb. 25. I had discussed the possibility of leaving with my boss a couple of weeks ago, and cemented it today.

I don't have another job yet, but I am hoping that something will happen soon. It wasn't an easy decision, but I guess in time I will find out if it was the right choice.
Best of luck with the MT FWP postion. We need more good guys in MT even if they are from ND. haha...
You quit without another job in the wings? Dude that takes balls. Best of luck to you!
Thanks guys.

I have realized after two years of being an office rat that I can't stand to look at a computer for 8+ hours a day for the rest of my life. I am going to take my shot now to find my dream job. Even though I have a month left, I feel like a world's worth of burden has been lifted now that I can put 100% effort to finding something I can be passionate about.

I am confident something will turn up and everything will work out ok :eek:
Best of luck to you, some times we all need a stick of dynomite to get us moving in the right direction.
I know for sure with elkhunter, that it has been the best for him.
No STRESS working for some one else.
The day he came and showed me his letter he got when he got fired, he was laughing and I could see the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders. so now things are going good 5 months later and live goes on :)
Good luck Smalls...It a pain when you stay in a job you don`t like....better to find and seek another where you can be happy....Sell yourself ... i`m sure you will be fine.

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