Semi live Tx public land turkey


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
SE Oklahoma
@Gellar inspired me with his live hunt to share my current turkey hunt. It'll have to be semi live as my service is patchy at best.

This started last November when I drew a Texas controlled turkey hunt at Muse wma. For those that aren't familiar Texas has a variety of draw or controlled hunts as they call them for everything from exotics, deer, javelina, pronghorn, and more. I've been pretty lucky over the years this being my first turkey hunt. Most of these hunts have a orientation the first day so in order to get there in time I left at 4am for the 6 hour drive. Pulled up to the gate a hour before orientation the other 2 hunters were already here. After some introductions the hunt manager asked if we'd like to get started early. After a unanimous vote we began the orientation signing in, showing license , going over rules and most interesting the history of the wma. Essentially the property was bought in the late 40s by a wealthy business man in Ft Worth because his wife who is from the area wanted a farm around here. He never stepped foot on the place and leased it to local cattlemen with zero oversight. When Mr Muse died in the 90s his wife came out here for the first time and found a "moonscape" as it was described. Wanting to right a wrong she donated the property in the late 90s to TPWD for wildlife habitat. They just hosted their 15th year of deer hunts and 8th year of turkey.20240409_095906.jpg20240409_190327.jpg
During orientation we were assigned areas I drew the SW region. But with almost 2000 acres split 3 ways there's plenty of room. I got dressed and headed to check out my area. Right as I headed out a little after 11am it started to rain and blow. Fortunately it quit raining after just a few minutes but it didn't stop blowing. I found a gorgeous field that had been recently burned next to a bottom that looked perfect for turkey. Found some sign in the field but decided with the wind to setup in the bottom. Did some calling for a bit moved and repeated nothing.20240409_145400.jpg20240409_124058.jpg
Around 4 the wind died off and I moved to the field edge by some good looking roost trees and set out a full spread. The evening was uneventful except for sighting around 20 hogs headed in a line across the field 200 yards away. It was almost sundown and I only had my shotgun so didn't even try and chase them.20240409_145348.jpg
Talked with the guy to the east of me he was on two birds but just couldn't get them to cross the fence off private. Excited to get out early in the morning and hopefully chase some gobbles.
Morning started off overcast and misty in the low 50s.20240410_073508.jpg

Slow at first then finally heard a bird gobble just after 8am in my area. Headed his way but was only able to get 3 gobbles out of him before he went silent. Decided to setup and do some calling from the area I figured the gobbling came from with no luck. Shortly aftet getting setup the sun made a appearance and the wind died a bit. 20240410_075649.jpg
Just got back to the truck about to have lunch and make a game plan for the afternoon. This property has some amazing mesquite trees.20240410_093900.jpg20240410_114813.jpg
Morning started off overcast and misty in the low 50s.View attachment 322350

Slow at first then finally heard a bird gobble just after 8am in my area. Headed his way but was only able to get 3 gobbles out of him before he went silent. Decided to setup and do some calling from the area I figured the gobbling came from with no luck. Shortly aftet getting setup the sun made a appearance and the wind died a bit. View attachment 322351
Just got back to the truck about to have lunch and make a game plan for the afternoon. This property has some amazing mesquite trees.View attachment 322352View attachment 322353
'Amazing' and 'mesquite' usually has to involve smoked meats to complete an accurate Texas sentiment. Speaking of which, if you're driving back thru Stephenville, hit up the Hard 8 bbq joint.
The evening was very uneventful! I ended up exploring most of my unit finding lots of deer and pig sign but not so much turkey sign. Around 3 I setup my decoys in a food plot and did a little light calling. With the combination of early wake ups, a long drive, and staying up till midnight doing work on the laptop last night caught up and I began dozing. I decided I needed a good meal and a early bedtime and headed out. Talked to the other guys today the guy on the east had no action and the guy to the North had a jake come in. I was the only one who heard a gobble today. Gonna leave most of the decoys at the truck except 1 hen and be ready to run and gun. Eating now ever had a fried deviled egg?20240410_173120.jpg
Congrats on drawing. I've been getting rejected since 2018. Gave up and paid to kill one on a ranch but Im still entering anyway.
The evening was very uneventful! I ended up exploring most of my unit finding lots of deer and pig sign but not so much turkey sign. Around 3 I setup my decoys in a food plot and did a little light calling. With the combination of early wake ups, a long drive, and staying up till midnight doing work on the laptop last night caught up and I began dozing. I decided I needed a good meal and an early bedtime and headed out. Talked to the other guys today the guy on the east had no action and the guy to the North had a jake come in. I was the only one who heard a gobble today. Gonna leave most of the decoys at the truck except 1 hen and be ready to run and gun. Eating now ever had a fried deviled egg?View attachment 322388
Them things are to pretty to eat.

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