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sd points

After experiencing point creep in Colorado i am taking a different approach and now one of my stratagies is getting blow up too. At least I have 2 points for antelope. I hate that this will become a once in a lifetime hunt because i want more than a fictional chance to draw. I will be done applying. I guess we just all need to stop applying in the states that make these moves and vote with are application fees in states that get it like new mexico.
Comment! If I have learned one thing from Newberg it is that Sportsman's voices are listened to, and often are few in number. Your comment might make the difference.

Be clear that as a non-resident this plan is not acceptable to you. All we can do.

For me, I agree with warmer that this is going to lead to a significant drop in revenue from point purchases. Couple that with the fact that in their attempt to be fair they are being completely unfair to most of the people in the system, and this adds up to a really bad idea.

How do some of you SD residents, like warmer and Keeptrying, feel about potential changes to the drawings including limiting the number of drawings one can enter in the first lottery?

My thought on any changes to point schemes is that any change that does not involve reducing the number of applicants or increasing tags for a given hunt does not solve any point creep. It may shift where more tags are being drawn from, but overall there are still only so many tags. As an outsider I think think making individuals pick which drawings they really want to be in would improve odds, but I could see where I would not want it if I was living there. I really like how Idaho requires applicants to select the species they really want.

How do some of you SD residents, like warmer and Keeptrying, feel about potential changes to the drawings including limiting the number of drawings one can enter in the first lottery?

My thought on any changes to point schemes is that any change that does not involve reducing the number of applicants or increasing tags for a given hunt does not solve any point creep. It may shift where more tags are being drawn from, but overall there are still only so many tags. As an outsider I think think making individuals pick which drawings they really want to be in would improve odds, but I could see where I would not want it if I was living there. I really like how Idaho requires applicants to select the species they really want.

Personally, one deer tag per year per hunter is the best way to go.
Several problems exist with this idea:
1-hunters have been buying points in multiple seasons, what do you do with their points?
2-unfortunately, a percentage of hunters don't understand the resource is finite
3-the GFP fights the same battle as every other state, the deer are primarily located on private property(especially east river) and some of the landowners see the deer as a revenue stream. The Special Buck tags that were established to appease the landowners, will have to go away and that will be very tough to pull off.
"For up to seven licenses in the first draw."

What are those? The article is so vague I couldn't offer an opinion. SD has plenty of opportunity to hunt. This push for change is coming from people who can't get an elk tag, or can't get an any deer tag for a specific county. "I never get a tag anymore." *Sad face* No, you don't get a very specific tag. If you were willing to expand your horizons you could hunt every season.

East River
West river
Black Hills
East River Archery
West River Archery

Are those the seven? Why would this guy even give this interview if he wasn't willing to give a little information?
I am incredibly uneasy about this proposal as a resident who actively participates in point purchasing for pretty much every big game season in SD apart from refuge deer. While I would have a decent chance in the future to draw some of the licenses I have been saving points for, my children who will begin hunting starting next year will have absolutely no chance to hunt for elk or other decent deer or antelope licenses until their well into their late 20's. I understand that some people are unsatisfied with the current licensing scheme, but applicants at least have a semblance of a chance to draw and participate in the field....This proposal effectively kills my chances of sharing some of my most cherished outdoor experiences with my children and any opportunity to experience their own hunts. This is damaging to the future of hunting in South Dakota.
Theres no excuse a resident of SD cant get a decent tag every year. All it takes is some planning.

Ya, lots of opportunities here. The conflict is over elk and mule deer tags. You cannot draw those every year.

The commission meets on the 11th and 12th to discuss changing the draw process. Still time to comment. It will be livestreamed here.
Ya, lots of opportunities here. The conflict is over elk and mule deer tags. You cannot draw those every year.

The commission meets on the 11th and 12th to discuss changing the draw process. Still time to comment. It will be livestreamed here.

Keep, Warmer,

What vibe have you been getting from other residents on this topic? I've yet to find one person who is in favor of the change.
I know one guy who has 20+ points in a variety of draw groups. He is very much in favor of this. Once I explain it no one else I have spoken to is in favor of it.

The email from GFP does not in any way explain how significant this change will be to people new to the system. If you don't have in excess of 10 points the odds of ever drawing an elk tag under this scenario are very, very poor. There will always be a group whose points overwhelm any chance you may have.

Comment. Loudly and politely.
They passed it.

We will use our points on cow tags before people understand what this really means.
My selfish question while you SD residents are mourning, does this impact NR as well?
All big game lotteries is what was said. NR are not eligible to hunt elk in SD, so deer and antelope primarily. To my way of thinking the impact on deer will not be as significant. SDGFP doesn't show us PP breakdown in those draws so we have no idea how many people have points. As an example though, for Black Hills any deer 350 people are vying for 16 tags. 150 have more than two points.

One of my problems with how they did this was that people don't understand the draw to begin with, and on top of that SDGFP made no real effort to help people understand what impact this would really have on the draws. There just isn't enough information to know. If there are 60 people with 5 or more points in that draw they will dominate that draw for years.
I was a first time applicant for the Cow tag (not CSP) and was able to draw this last year without any points. It was a great hunt with a healthy herd to pull from. I'm probably the minority here but as a military member I obviously like the old way better. Many of us (me included) move every 2-4 years, it makes it hard to build points for any resident draw. I've made my life choice and will continue to be transient for at least the next ten years though so I guess it is what it is.

Sidebar, I do understand how fortunate I am to be considered a "resident" for pretty much any state that I have the good fortune to be stationed in. I'm an AK resident and made the most of that when I was stationed in Fairbanks and am now doing the same in Rapid City. Nevada is next so we'll see how that goes. UT, AZ, ID, NM... You're staying on my dream sheet!
I thought most species were already a preference point draw there?? Am I wrong? Because if it is, I don't know what cubing points would do.
Why is hunting so complex? Maybe i should of paid attention in math class but this is getting way overthought. How does some learn to hunt if they cant get tags? Residents should get otc tags for atleast deer, in wyoming we also get elk (which we should) and should also get a lope tag but we dont....not sure why there is more of them than deer or even people. My policy would be otc then simple lottery on limited oppurtunity hunts, guy applying first time gets same chance as 20 year guys. In the end its about $

I thought most species were already a preference point draw there?? Am I wrong? Because if it is, I don't know what cubing points would do.

I don't know why they call them preference points as they're basically bonus points. I know they have some "pools" where only people with 2+ points or something like that go into the draw but basically your name goes in the hat one time for each point you have.
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