Yeti GOBOX Collection

Rufous' 04 WA bear


New member
Nov 5, 2002
Walla Walla, WA
I have been out several times this fall after bear. Every time I have been out except one I have seen bear. A couple times it was a sow with cubs and other times the bear was much too far away. Well this last Sunday evening I went out again for a hunt. I headed out on my own and at 5:30 saw a bear. I watched it for about 10 minutes as it fed behind a tree, waiting for it to come out into the open and give me a shot. Finally it did and I fired. It ran to the left and jumped up on a fallen tree. I fired again and knocked it to the ground. It took me about 45 minutes to get around to it on the other side of the canyon. I discovered that I hit it with both shots. It made it into some timber though and it was getting dark so out came the headlamp and the butchering began at 6:30. 9 pm came and I was headed up the hill with 100# on my back (between the meat and my other gear in my pack and my rifle). It was a 230# sow that was 64" nose to tail. My smallest of 5 bears but well worth shooting as I now have 50# of prime burger and sausage in the freezer.

Take a look at this link for a picture of the bear.
Looks like a nice fat bear congrats Rufous .