Yeti GOBOX Collection

Rock 'yote.......


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Here is 2 awsome Pics Bearbait sent me....

Bearbait, Give us a story !!!!!!!


this a yote we cought up last week. the hound is a young one thats really going to make a good one. we have been averageing 4 yotes per week. this will help the deer herd a little around here. will send a few more pics of a good fight later.

hey Bairbait.... HOW do ya catch the 'yotes.... DO ya cut tracks like they do with bobcats and Lions.. OR is it a Spot and release the hounds type deal ?!?!?
Great Pic's Bear bait
The only thing better than A dead Yot is 2 dead Yots :D We have snared 91 over here this winter so far.And traped another 60 last fall.This was a groop effort amunst 8 Trappers.It sure is hard finding a Yot track here now.
Cant find a yote track??? Just wait till we get out there bear hunting!!!! Bet we'll find some then tobey!! We better not,right??
Nice pics bear bait.I havent hunted in 3 weeks here. Longest I can ever remember going without running a dog in the winter. Nothing but frozen ground and ice here.Think I might travel up near Patten this week and try to run.