RiverRat Can't Shoot....:)

Mountain Boomer

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Come on RiverRat fess up.... :D

Well I am back from the first two days of Turkey season. Lets just say Murphy followed RR and me around every day.

We roosted a bird Sunday evening for the Monday opener. We slipped into the woods monday mourning just about where we thought the bird was roosted. The woods were dry so it sounded like we were walking on cornflakes. I hit an owl hooter at day break and he gobbled right on top of us. We had walked within 60 yards of the bird. We grabbed a seat and waited until good day. He gobbled four or five times on the roost. I gave a soft tree yelp and he answered me. When he came off the roost he flew of the hill below us never to be heard again. I guess he knew something wasn't right from all the noise we had made going in. We grabbed the deks and headed down the ridge to find another bird. It didn't take long and we had a bird gobbling across the canyon on the next ridge. We took of after him. We got over there and put out the deks and sat down to call. In about 15 minutes I heard him coming through the leaves. He was coming in from above us. I made a call and turned him down the hill. Finally I could see him. He went behind some trees and I raised my gun. All of a sudden a turkey that had slipped in on us spooked when I raised my gun and flew of spooking the other bird. :mad: That evening we roosted some more birds for the following mourning.

Now this is where RR is going to lie.... :( Don't beleave anything he says... :D

The next mourning I droped RR off to go after his bird and I went after a DIFFERENT bird. So I thought...
We managed to get set up on the same bird at daylight. To make a long story short I called him in and lets just say I am short two shells and no bird... :D I thought he was about 30 steps and it turned out to be 45.

Later that evening we managed to call in another bird. I will let RiverRat tell that one... ;) Be sure to ask him about his shotgun... :rolleyes:
And now for the rest of the story(at least my version of it)...
I roosted a bird Monday evening in the same area where we had started out that morning, and decided to go after him Tuesday morning. I had Boomer drop me off and I told him the bird was about 150 yards on down the ridge just below the top. While I am walking down and getting set up, Boomer drives maybe 200 yards on down, gets out, hears my bird gobble, sets up, calls him in, AND MISSES!!!

As for that afternoon, we are driving out of an old logging road, look up and see a jake walking thru the woods. We drive on past him and I slip out to get in front of him. A few yelps later here he comes. All I can figure is I must have shot right over him. Anyway, he goes to running and so do I. I was carrying my gun in both hands in front of me and apparently went between a couple of trees that were a bit narrower than my gun. I knew something didn't feel right, when I looked, I had broke my stock. I think with a little superglue and camo ducktape I'll be right back in business.
thanks for the stories guys ,sounds like you guys had alot of fun decpite the fact that neither of guys can shoot!!!! :D :D just kiddin! im sure you both are excellent shots! to get birds in range and to have them respond to calling is what its all about anyway!! :cool: just think you almost had to clean one of them stinky birds!

RiverRat, i did that same thing once while deer hunting, i just never told anyone! hurt like hell though i do remember that!! :D the camo duck tape works best! :D :Dhehehehe

Boomer, did the move go O.K. ????? i hope so!!.Man, i dont envy you there moving sucks!
you guys give'em hell this weekend and continue to let us know how your hunts are going! :D
How much of the pot are ya gonna give RR after this hunt now? :D :D
RR, If I were you, I'd ask for a full refund. Any guide that will cut in on his clients bird oughta be plucked! :mad:
Sounds like you guys had a blast! Season is young, give em heck! SR
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