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Rene' Egan's blacktail


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa

this is my buddy's wife's blacktail she shot last week--chris
this ranch produces some nice bucks every year---

there's supposed to be a bruiser of buck that's roaming the ranch--definite booner--looks like a muley my buddy told me...chris
will do and I call all blacktails coastal---the dividing line is Interstate 5 --west of 5 blacktails and east of 5 muleys--until you get down to LA then they change-
Nice buck- Congrats to yer buds Mrs!
That is a dandy blackie anywhere.
Chris you still huntin CA? Were heading out tonight for C zone bucks with archery tackle. week is Cedarville (X3B) lows 20-25* and a chance of sow flurries...yep, I'm pumped!!!
Marv--won't get out to use my B tag again this year-I took my boys up for 2 days when we shot that pig in A zone, but no buck-work is killin' me, plus kids in baseball and football--just waitin' for the 14th and then off to Idaho--good luck and bring some pics back with ya---chris
Chris, know what you mean about time (and the lack of it) with three girls in soccer and the wife back in school its a rariety.

Good luck in Idaho, and in Alturas (my previous post) we're supposed to have s-n-o-w flurries...I'm eihter starting to type like Moosie or pigs are gonna start falling out of the sky :rolleyes:
Congrats! I thought Phoebe was a vegetarian! ;)

PS- I think she looks quite a bit like Lisa Kudrow who played Phoebe on Friends
That is an awesome Blacktail.......I'd be proud to hang a tag on a good one like that any day.....congrats to all involved....

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