PEAX Equipment

Preseason hunting prep projects

diamond hitch

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2020
Western Montana
Living in the land of dead trees, it becomes critical to cut out trails, build trails and try to figure out elk travel highways before the season begins. My county has closed the woods to gas chainsaws. It's darn tough to even travel some of the existing roads. I have a couple one man crosscuts but I am afraid those days may have passed. Always wanted a two man crosscut but my partner moved. Yesterday I built two miles of trail with a electric chainsaw and an ax. Of course I had to have a couple batteries but by using existing elk trails I got within 500 yds of my target. By staying in the lodgepole jungles it was surprising how few trees I had to cut and how many elk trails I found. I hope to build a small bridge for crossing a stream to smooth the trip. Having 15 to 20 trails built and cleared in my hunting area makes the season much smoother and more successful.

This doesn't help the NR much but for the rest of us especially when we can't bow hunt it helps get us in shape and in the mood.
Hoping in the next week or so to drag my kayak and a hang on deer stand down to a creek on public and paddle upstream about a mile.
Was scouting for ducks last December and stumbled upon a heavily used trail with a giant buck track in it. Should get almost no pressure from the public side of the creek
Don’t know where to start.

I need to rent a dozer to clear some tops out of the road and open up access down on the old homeplace. Have a culvert to put in as well. I have several hours worth of bushogging to do down there too. At home I have a box stand to stand up in the back pasture and some bushogging to do for that stand.

On public, once we start to get manageable temps in mid to late september, I will start scouting. I mainly just walk and look for acorns on the limb and any other food sources along with rubs and large tracks to get an idea of areas I may want to concentrate on.
Made a quick trip to the farm this afternoon. Looks like my pops took care of most of the dozer work since the last time I was out. That is going to save me some time and money. I still have some lanes I need to push and a little clean up to do but it is minimal compared to what I was expecting.
I took wife to the range this week. She had a cow tag and wants to practice. She was hitting gong at 300 so felt good. We need a few more range sessions, I kept it very positive even though that gong is 48”.
I think I need to load up a bit more.
I also need to build a cabin…
Mine is still rehabbing the knee until it hits the trails in October, plus getting ready to take on the brutal surf of Mexico in two weeks lol
Mine is to finish working up my new 300 mag load. Getting close, just have to fine tune.
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