Yeti GOBOX Collection

poppa knows best

Left Behind

New member
Jan 12, 2001
Jackson, Wyoming..... Great little drinking town w
This little Italian boy and this little Jewish boy lived about a block apart in the neighborhood and basically grew up together. The Jewish boy was the son of a jeweler, and the Italian boy was the son of a hitman.
Oddly enough, they had the same birthday. Well, for their 12th birthday, the little Jewish boy gets a gold Rolex watch, and the little Italian boy gets a .22 Beretta.
The next day, they're on the street corner comparing presents, and it
becomes pretty clear that they each think the other got the better deal,
so they exchanged presents. The little Italian boy goes home to show his
father what he did. The hitman father is NOT pleased. "What're you,freakin' nuts? Lemme tell you something, you moron! Some day you're gonna meet a nice woman, you're wanna settle down and get married, have a few
kids, all that stuff. Then one day, you're gonna come home and find your wife in bed with another man. What the hell ya gonna do . . .?
Look at your watch and say, "How much longer ya gonna be?