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partner in mt needed


New member
Apr 10, 2002
Monroe WA
howdy I am moving from washington to butte montana and i need a huntin partner to help me with the transition I bow hunt. e-mail me at [email protected]
From Monroe, alright. I am from Duvall, moved to Montana in 98. Thank God!

I already have a couple partners, but I will certainly offer suggestions on where you might hunt and such and maybe we could hook up someday? Dont know when though.

Will you rifle hunt too if needed or are you strictly a bowhunter.

How did you do hunting in Washington?

Whats your name, how old?

Ernie McKenzie (32)

Lolo, MT
hey thanx My name is LUKe I am 24 and will be in butte monday on so hope fully we could hook up sometime before the season any tip or addvice i can get would be great number is 4067238132
archer, I just moved to MT myself last year. I actually hunted out by Butte during rifle elk. It was o.k. for as hard as we wanted to hunt over thanksgiving.I saw alot of elk but I didnt see crap for deer! I saw alot of area this year and have some ideas for next year. I plan on starting in April doing alot of getting to know this state. I've been pointed in some good directions but plan on doing some serious looking around. I have some family in Butte and try to get down there as much as I can. I live about an hour in a half away, just north of Missoula. If you like we could hook up when I get down there in the next couple weeks.
.......Also all those sheep stories that float around here are just stories!