Old Pimple Remedy: Using Spot to Cure Spots


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Nov 28, 2001
Old Pimple Remedy: Using Spot to Cure Spots

LONDON (Reuters) - Take two puppies, cut off their heads and collect the blood, reads the 17th century instructions -- not for some voodoo rite but to cure pimples among the middle class.

Weird health and beauty recipes have been around for a long time. Now two old manuscripts, found at a British stately home and coming up for auction, suggest some truly odd cures for everyday ailments.

The 300-year-old cookery, medical and household recipe books, lavishly illustrated and with elaborate script, give advice on almost everything, from treating burns to getting rid of freckles, said manuscript specialist Luke Batterham.

"These books are a very direct insight into what people were interested in in the late 17th century," Batterham told Reuters. "People seem to go a very long way for beauty, now and then."

One recipe advises to take "2 Puppies before they can see, chopp of their heads & hang them up by the heels to bleed," then mix with white wine to rid the patient of unsightly pimples.

Scalds and burns, another says, are best treated with a mixture of sheep's dung and fresh goose grease, while four-day-old lemon juice rubbed on the face is guaranteed to eradicate unwanted freckles.

The two books are expected to fetch a total or more than 2,000 pounds ($3,844) when they go for auction at Bonhams in London on March 15.
Some of that old stuff works a lot better than modern medicine. I think I would skip the puppy whacking though. :eek:
I was thinking of giving it a try, we have plenty of loose puppies running around, and there are also plenty of warts... Oh, wait, those are children. Well what the heck, I bet if I poor the blood from the puppies on them, they will go away... :eek: :)
lol elk ur mean :D i disagree i like puppies never do that im sure theres natural herb another anyway never let them around my puppies when i get em :eek: dangcannibals
Huh puppy blood and wine?????? If the ASPCA saw this we'd all be in trouble. But I hear that Noxzema works well too, for those who don't want to wack any little cute puppies. I use a daily clairifing toner thing at least once a day.
Quick Draw
Oh and for the sheep dung and goose greese for burns, I've beentold that cold water works really well. LOL LOL LOL
Quick Draw
Yeah, daily exfoliating and even toning will help keep you skin clear too. Maybe we should let Elkchsr spend a couple days in the Locker Room, just so we can teach him the HUMANE and NORMAL forms of personal beauty care!!!

I used to go down there all of the time when it was called the "Ironing Board", Nut and I were the main posters.... :)
Ya can't get too put out, I expect most men don't know the difference. :D
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