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Not to appear stupid or anything.. but??

Thank you for that ride on the "spin machine".

I don't believe how convoluted some of this crap gets.

You can sorta tell what a neo-con is from Ithacas link. Generally neo-cons are considered to be the "conservative" subset that follows the influential Jews in the administration, who are presumed to recieve their orders from Israel. They are thought to be willing to sacrafice Americas security and stability in favor of Israels needs. They are also considered to be faux-conservatives because they lack any apparent concern for fiscal matters. GWB and his followers are accused of being neo-cons.

So generally, neo-cons are considered to be budget busting Jewish sympathizers. Paleo-cons are the conservative subset that is pizzed off that government spending is out of control.

I only posted in the other thread because I thought Moosie laid a cleverly crafted trap. :confused: And of course, I like to see well thought out arguments, so I am always willing to point out when I see a potential flaw, regardless of which side. ;)

I'm pretty sure the Indy Media guys on this board knew where I was going, so for some of you it might have been a little "inside baseball". My bad.

So to Nemont I would say relax. There was no racial or religious malice intended by my smartazz comment.

I understand neo-cons and what their preception of how to "fix" the problems of the Arab/Isreali conflict.

Here is the reason for my post on the the other thread. You do not understand the impact words like the ones you wrote have. When I was stationed in Germany my wife taught school with a Jewish lady who had herself and her family threathened, publicly humilated, spit upon and have swastikas spray painted on their house and car.

Even if you were just playing along and "everyone" understood it was meant to be funny or you weren't serious it is, IMHO, inappropriate. I disagree with joking around about things like that.

That is just a personal thing. You apparently view it differently. I guess to each his own.

I guess I'm not following you. What derrogatory comment did I make about Jews? :confused: I thought that my implication was that Jews ruled US foreign policy. That seems complimentary to me. :confused:

I don't possibly see how what I said could be considered anti-semitic, unless you think that drawing attention to Jewish influence somehow feeds the cycle of violence they have been caught up in for so long. :eek:
Maybe what we need to do is separate Jews and Israelis.. Not all Jews are Israelis and not all Israelis are Jews. So which are you two discussing and what is the purpose of the discussion? Personally, I find it presumptuous to believe that any Religious group is having an inordinant effect on US Foriegn policy. I wouldn't suggest that the Israelis could influence foriegn policy any more than the Vatican or the Convention of American Baptists.

If you can't see how that could be offensive then I don't know what to tell you. I won't harp on it or post on the issue again.

You have your opinion and are entitled to it.
