Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

NmTaxi....When do you leave..??

Hehehehe... I know the feeling well...

Now for a REAL rush, just wait until your air taxi takes off and you look around you at all of that savage beauty and you realize that you are actually THERE... It's an awesome feeling...Nothing quite like it..Wish I could be there with you....

I just wanted to be sure to wish you a safe and successful trip... Alaska gets in your blood....Damn few people can take just ONE trip to Alaska...On the plane on your way home you'll be planning your NEXT trip.... ;) .. Be sure to take lots of PICTURES...
Thanks Pygmy. It still seems a little un-real. This hunt was going to be a once in a lifetime hunt, now I'm already trying to figure out what to go for next. Probably mountain goat. :D
Dan....A goat hunt would be awesome..as I'm sure you know, they make a beautiful mount, especially the later season ones with the long haired manes...

My biggest problem with a goat hunt ( other than the fact than I'm getting old) is that I'm scared s***less of heights, and lots of people have told me that someone afraid of heights should NOT attempt a goat hunt..Still, if I were younger, goats would be on my short list of things to hunt..

One hunt that I do plan to do in the next few years is a Sitka Blacktail hunt.... While the antlers are not big, they are beautiful animals and make a very unique trophy..I personally don't know ANYONE who has one...besides, the price has not skyrocketed as much as it has for some other species, like guided moose hunts, for instance...
Sitka blacktail would be awesome, also. One would look real nice hanging with my coues deer (if I ever get around to mounting it). What I like about the blacktail hunt is that I could do it un-guided. And the country they live in is awesome. We might have to talk more about that hunt. At least compare notes.
Hmmmmm... MarvB has expressed interest in a sitka blacktail hunt too... We were thinking of an unguided hunt where we live on a boat and go ashore daily in a small boat to hunt...

We can talk more about that later... Right now you need to be thinking about LONG WHITE MANES, shovels, bez points, long main beams with good spread, back scratchers, and my favorite component, LONG TOP TINES...

Oh yeah, and MASSIVE PALMS with at least 4 brow points per side...... :D .....
Hey Pygmy old salt!!
Last time I heard you talking about massive palms it was in regards to an old girlfriend of yours ;)

...hows that "new" job treatin' ya????? You guys must be primed and pumped to chase elk about now aren't you? ...keep Marv posted
Marv Ol' Buddy.... You must have heard your NAME used here in VAIN... :D ....

I WILL send you a long, detailed email regarding my upcoming elk and moose adventures...

It won't be long NOW...

Who knows, you may even recieve a phone call from Colorado or New Brunswick.... ;) ....
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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