Newbie From NYC


New member
May 23, 2016
Hello All,

Been hunting whitetail and small game here in New York's Hudson Valley for the past 14 years. Out west hunting has been a dream of mine for awhile now and this year I think I am finally taking the plunge on a DIY elk hunt. Hope read a bunch of posts and gather as much information as possible. Also hope to contribute where I can.

Welcome. I went to college in NYC. Good luck on your elk hunt. Where you heading?
Thanks everyone. This year I'm heading to Colorado. Still deciding on which unit to hunt and have been doing my research. Heading out sometime mid-September for archery. I was going to try and make it out there for 2nd rifle but timing just didn't work out. I know my chances are slimmer during bow, but I am really using this trip to get my feet wet and learn. Hoping to make this an annual thing.
Your chances might be better than you think during archery season. Some of the OTC elk rifle seasons can get really crowded with hunting pressure. Archery seasons don't typically have any such problems. Plus, during archery season you know that elk will be high which means public land, generally speaking. Good luck!