Newbie and thought I'd share.


Oct 18, 2009
Well I got a story done for you guys about an elk hunt done under "who am I" and thought I would share my 2008 mule deer mount. I got it back in August.




Hope you guys like it.:D
Nice bucks elkkill. Welcome to the site. Where in Co are you? I'm in the Springs.
Nice looking buck there.

Now don't go telling everyone where you're killing all those nice bucks and bulls you kill, ok? ;)
I live in Fruita and was born and raised in Grand Junction. Thanks for the great comments.

Here is the rest of the living room :D






Here is my brother and I bulls when my 2006 bull got done. His on the left and mine on the right.

I have had to rearange several times.
Hope you enjoy! :)
arffdog875 My parents ,brother, and sister live in Clifton. My taxidermist is in Clifton, Precision Taxidermy at 3265 E Rd.

All of these great animals were killed on the westslope on public land. The elk in OTC units.
Elk hunting this year was the worst I have ever seen. I bought a voucher tag in the middle of second season for a buck and found a small 3 point to put in the freezer last Saturday.

I am heading out Friday to take my oldest son and daughter third season for two bucks. It should be really good.
I just can't get over how many antlers are in that room. You should probably have a warning sign requiring guests to wear safety glasses.

And you better hope nobody pushes someone in your house- do you have good insurance???

That is funny that you say that, I have had one accident in the house. My youngest boy fell on a set of small 4 point buck antlers that a buddy had brought over that night for me to panel mount. Luckily it only punctured the skin and he received a couple stitches and not his guts.:eek: I'll have to post some pics of the garage.
elkkill2006... Hope 3rd season goes better for you and your family than 2nd! I am hoping this weather pushes the elk down for 4th!!! My wife and myself have either sex tags and want to fill them this year!! Last 2 years has been too warm and too dry!
arffdog875, It should be great I just got a call from my cousin and he is down where we are hunting right now as I am typing and has already seen four 4 points and a big 2 point (about 26" wide and very tall). I can't wait to get the kids on them!
elkkill2006... That sounds great! Hope you and your kids find them on Sat.!!! Hope you guys post lots of pictures! Sounds like the weather is going to clear out for a few days! Good luck!