New site to check out

Well let me see what I thought of it.

Thats the same thought I had about it Nut.
Mike, Yes it is one that Ithaca posted a link to for the anti-grazing book that he thinks we all should read!!!!!!


He support's and stands for WHAT?

I didnt read the part about the guys welfare ranching part but the rest of it just made me sick MD. A little pissed also. Why I made the other posts today like I did. (You know the other reason why I am irritated and worried

It is guys like this that really irritate me. Saying that God wants us to be vegaterian.. I want to bitch slap him for sure.

I dont think Ithaca researched the whole site before he used it though.
The site had a review of the grazing book and I thought the review made some interesting points. You gotta learn to pick and chose what you believe on any site, or sometimes be able to differentiate between what they say about one subject and what they say about another.

I wonder how many of you read a newspaper? Same idea. Read it and sort it out. You don't quit reading the newspaper forever when you see an editorial you don't agree with, do you? Try to think about it like reading a book review in a newspaper or a magazine.

That's real basic stuff for anyone doing research on the Internet! Good luck.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-20-2003 18:09: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Have I ever objected to what anyone says about any site I post a link to? You're the ones who get so upset if I make fun of sites you link to! Look at sites and sort out what's there yourself! If you can't do that you might as well give up!
Try to grow up and think someday.
I think there is to much inbreading taking place and then they put up sites like this, LMAO, or some of them have been drinking way to much of their bath water and now their heads are messed up beyond repair...
LOL ,Ithaca blast's everyones links.
Lets say for a sec. that he did happen on to that site HaHaHa it only proves our point that there is more going on to this anti-grazing stuff.
Lets all join hands and follow Ithaca to the land of inlightenment LMAO

I dont believe for one min. that you just happened on to that site,look at the reaction others had when they saw it.
you just happened on to it
Right LOL
Some site are so nutty that even if it supported what I believed in I would post a link to them.
How do you explain all the other site you post links to that pretty much support that same type of fruit cake stuff?
It was mighty hard to miss the jest of that site LOL
All of us have been searching the web,LOL when I come across a site like that I run for cover.
Like anyone would do that doesn't buy into that stuff.
What a crock
It fits to well with all his other post's.
I agree it's a nutty site, but I thought the book review was interesting. Kinda like Hunt Talk----pretty nutty, but I like parts of it.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-21-2003 12:15: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
All information one gets must be filtered, just some use a collander instead of a coffee filter.
Caribou Gear

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