Nanny Problems - Oh Yeah, I’ve Got Them (a goat hunt)

Man I kinda missed this one as it happened. Love the story man. Really entertaining. Congrats. Also kid pizza vs adult pizza cracked me up, and made me want pizza for lunch
Great story and congrats! Are you planning on a full body mount?
Just a shoulder mount, don’t really have the space for a full, and I hunted for a month this fall. Trying to talk the wife into the price of a full and the space it took up wasn’t worth it.

This is the form the taxidermist will be using.View attachment 202238
That will look great. My buddy did the same mount and I think it’s a great look.
This is what I decided to do with mine. Still debating if I want it to come out from a flat wall, or a corner.
Nice! I knew if I did anything more than what I did I would want to go full mount, so I resisted. I’m excited to eventually get mine back! Getting the rest of the hide tanned to do something with!
Great hunt and awesome write up. Really liked all the photos of that country, you captured the steepness of that country really well. Congrats on that gnarly nanny.
gonna love that goat mount. Good luck in sheep draw today!
I “always” draw sheep and goat back to back. 2004-2005 and 2019-2020. It’s a thing, so start planning that hunt!
Man!!! Congrats. This was amazing story and recap. You’ll give CJ Box a run for The NY Times best seller list. Haha Love reading and the pics.

Thanks for the offer for me to pm you on my 2022 G16. Will be In touch.

Can’t wait to see the mount.

Thanks again for the write up. Very inspiring
gonna love that goat mount. Good luck in sheep draw today!
I “always” draw sheep and goat back to back. 2004-2005 and 2019-2020. It’s a thing, so start planning that hunt!
No dice, guess I’ll just have to win the auction tag!

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