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My elk hunt.... And wifes pics.....


New member
Nov 24, 2003
To recap my adventure so far. Took off in the middle of the night got up there and it was raining hard. Went in to hunt and it was raining pretty bad. I came out soaked to the bone. I made up mind to set up camp. Got the wall tent up and tarp over it and the heater going and got it dried in about 30 minutes. So here I sit listening to the rain hit the tarp. I am reading a book and fall asleep. I wake up and my wife is there and she said she came to stay the night and try for a bear. Well I took her up around 4 to show her where it was and flagged it in for her and even where to sit. So around 645 pm she heads in and I give her about 15 minutes and head up the canyon the other way to try and glass for some elk. I have heard nothing from the elk so far. I hear a gun shot 10 minutes later and think we are the only ones up here and my wife took her gun and it came from there. I go back to truck and head back to camp. I get there and there sits my wife. I ask whats up? She said her bear was down. I asked there was only one shot. She said thats all you need. Made me laugh. I then thought Oh crap did you see the direction the bear ran? She said I would find it laying next to the bait. I was like what ever. I jumped on my 4 wheeler and head up the canyon. Got to the bait and there it was. I couldnt believe that. It showed where he dug in at the shot and fell over in 5'. A beautiful shot right threw the heart. She was shooting her .243. It was great. I loaded up the bear and head back to camp. I pull in and there she is sitting in her car with it running. She said it was to cold for her and she was heading home. She said she only came up for a bear. I was like OK.Off she went. Here is her story she told me:
She went up followed the flaggin tape and sat down and with the rain made it quiet under foot. She sat down and saw a coyote about 50 yds away kinda up hill from bait. She was watching it when up above it she saw black legs which she knew was a bear.It came into the open and walked down threw the trees to disappear and next thing she knew it came from the right side of bait now. She figured this one was another bear as it would of had to go around 200 yds in less than a minute. So it came in around the bait to face left. She said it looked at her twice before she shot. She said she shot it took a step and flipped over. She said she watched it for a minute then headed back to camp. She said from time she got there to the time it came in was 5 minutes.
Well that was Sat.
Sun I hiked into a spot and worked a bull but this is after it snowed all night and rained also. Still snowing fog. Unbearable and still no sound from any bulls. I did work 2 bulls but had to get close to get any type of noise from them. Still raining and even worked my way down on some other hunters from the calls. LOL That was a fun story.
All day Sunday it snow or rained till about 4 pm I was sitting in camp and was glassing some openings across the canyon and I saw a bull feeding I grabbed the bow and headed out. By the time I got up the canyon he was heading my scent was blowing right up towards his direction. I moved up high to get a good look. Found some other elk feeding in some open trees so decided to go after a group of 8 cows and a spike which the bigger bull stayed in the trees. As I got closer I heard him bugling and grunting at his cows. It was hard to tell where he was with the rain and the snow. I worked as close as I could and started cow calling. I worked this bull for 2 hrs and he never moved from where he was. I headed out and back to camp as it was getting late and the snow was starting again. Storm was suppose to break Tues so I figured I would bring the bear home Today so I would be ready for Tuesday. I had a commitment to go with wife to look at a house we are trying to buy. Figured that was a game plan. Well anyways I woke to a bull rattling my tent from his bugle. I ran outside because I thought he was in camp. I heard 6 bulls going nuts this morning. I knew I had to come home so I figured I had a chance to go after at least the closest bull. I had him worked up and had him moving close. Even got him on video but just didnt commit all the way. As when he chuckled I did also and he turned and left. He was sneaking in on my right. Was great.
So I got back up there Tuesday morning around 6 am and hung out at camp waiting for the bulls to start bugling. Well I dropped down into the timber down the trail and spooked elk as I was watching a bull feed on a hill heading to the mouth of the canyon and they feeding right down from the trailhead in some meadows there.I got a few bulls talking but nothing to commit. I came out that afternoon and Saw 4 4 wheelers parked at the trail head. The elk feed right there by the trail head as the funnel up threw there. I drove up the rode and found 2 guys from Arkansas and 4 guys from Wisconsin also in there. I decided to go have a talk with both these camps so we could get a game plan so not everyone is coming to each other. I never did talk to the Arkansas guys but did talk with the Wisconsin guys. They where a good group of guys. So I hunted with them a couple days and made some friends in there. I got on elk almost everyday up there but the bulls would get there cows and move off with them. Had bulls talking everyday except Wed, Thursday. Nothing on them days. Yesterday I got on a bull first thing and had his cows going crazy and trying to come to me but he pushed them off. The weather after Tuesday turned into the 80's and got warm. Was a great trip though as my wife did score on a bear and I did have a thought for my B-Day yesterday. I did have a bull working me and saw some cows. I also realized that I was pretty lucky as I did get 9 days off to hunt which some people dont get that many days in a year to hunt. So it was a great trip and a B-Day week off. I also met 4 guys up there that 2 will be coming back next year to hunt with me. So it will be a great time.
Here are a couple pics of my wifes bear. He was around 5' but could stretch him into a 6' after I skinned him.LOL

SSider- Congrats to the Mrs. Sounds like her hunt was short and to the point LOL.

Like you were into em' good so was a great hunt...all a guy can ask for is the chance!
Congrats Jerry, that was a good story!

Is that a Plott by your tailgate? Jerry...are you hounding and just pretending to be a baiter!! :0)


Hornseeker that is my Lab Aussie cross. His name is Java.
Yes John did get his bull up there and went and bought a NR tag so he is back out at it. He is going to call me Friday and let me know how it went the second time around. He takes all of elk season off to hunt. Last few years he took off from Aug 1st till first of Dec to hunt. Guess you can when you own everything.LOL He is calling for his son and is wanting JT to get his also.
Here is a pic of 2 of my dogs. The aussie with the blue eye her name is Bits. The other is the dogs in the photos with my wife and bear.
Wow, I wish I could get a second tag.....well, I guess I'd have to fill the first one first!

Yep, looks just like a Plott!

Good Luck Jerry,

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