Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

MT bear success

Well, I took the advice from a post earlier today and we got one. I took my 12 yo son out for the afternoon. His baseball schedule precludes him from getting out much. We hiked up a canyon with a couple big meadows & a creek in it. There was lots of bear scat, from a bear I’d love to see! We got about 1.25 miles up and a storm was headed for us. We decided to start headed back. We got to the meadow that was a short walk from the sxs and there he was. He was 150 yds out across a stream. His coat was in great shape so I told my son he could shoot it if inclined. He didn’t hesitate and made a great shot, dead on the spot. Now we had a problem, we had to cross this stream that’s 6-8ft wide but 5-6ft deep. We only got slightly wet the first time. We took some pics and the weather was worsening. I threw it over the shoulder and we headed out, only had 4-500yds I thought, no problem. Yeah, we’ll just say I got much wetter upon crossing the creek this time. Lil turd laughed at me til I told him I’d let him get his bear to the rig. It was a great afternoon with my son, he’s always happy & smiling, his smile was unusually wide tonight. Thanks again for the advice earlier today. It’s about 150lb young boar. Sorry, I’ve no clue how to rotate the pic View attachment 83059

Congrads on the Bear !!
Freeze it for sure !!
Thanks again for input on the hide. I rolled it up after folding in half lengthwise flesh side to flesh side. Threw it in the freezer Saturday morning after getting it checked. Took it to taxidermist this morning & he said I did it the right way.
Congratulations to both of you.

My first big game animal was a bear I got with my dad when I was 12. I haven’t forgotten any detail of that hunt with Dad even though it took place 40+ years ago. Similarly, I am sure your son will never forget the details of his great hunt with his dad.

FYI - I can guarantee you that the story of the return trip across the creek will get stretched a bit (or a lot) over the years.