Mountain goat solo or guide?

I am getting a full body mount with mine and it too is about $3500 with a rock that is not too complex. I may add a little more to it to make the environment more realistic.
For me I'd hunt with a friend or two so they can share in the hunt as well unless I find out we totally suck at goat hunting and need some serious guide help. It seem so rare to get a tag so for me a trophy mountain goat would be a white one.:D But if you're all about record books and getting the biggest and baddest you can out of that unit then hunting with really knowledgeable guide would be a big plus.
If it was me holding the tag I would find some friends that wanted to tag along just to break the silence and help with glassing. Like Npaden said, its what your expectations are. Mine I would be happy with a matue billy.