Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

more pics of bear


New member
Nov 24, 2003
Here is a pic of the double white patch on my bear. Didnt take any side pics of my bear as I got back into camp late and wife had to take the pics.


[ 05-11-2004, 22:05: Message edited by: supersider34 ]
Sider, Awsome Pics man... I haven't ben on for about 5 days so I haven't read the story.. Hopefully tomorrow I'll catch up !!!

Kudos and Congrats to ya !!!
I just took that one pic so I could have a pic of his belly. Wife did a awesome job on taking the pics. She is getting pretty excited about this weekend as I have found a few more bears coming into my site. The only thing is I am going to go change cams from one site to the other as one is not taking all the pics it needs to.
Here is some scat from the new bear that tore up my bait and the one I am going to put my wife on this weekend hopefully. Big turd.The pile was as big as the one Mtn posted on his post. This is just a piece off a huge pile.
Here is the blonde I got in Alberta 2 years ago. A buddy and I are going back next weekend. I doubt I'll top this one, maybe get a shot at a wolf, but I hope my buddy hammers a monster.

[ 05-13-2004, 08:50: Message edited by: ARCAT ]
Sider, The picture I have is 2x that Size for POOP
....It's just not as much as the Wheelbarrow size that MntMan posted. That was ALOT of poop

ARCAT, Nice bear BRO !!!!! Good luck to ya again this year . Take lots'a pics !

Here is JDE's best trophy from last fall. Do you think he'll get a bear bigger than this hog in Alberta?

Wanted to make sure you all knew he was a hog killer.

[ 05-13-2004, 12:40: Message edited by: ARCAT ]
SuperSider, You pose with Bears Like I do
Here's a bear I got a few Years Back, In my lap like your's ....


And You Dang near Have Hair like My Buddy Wylee
Thanks, If I hadn't shot him in the neck he would really look nice in the field photos. I have him full body in my basement. He only lasted about 2 hours upstairs.