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New member
Sep 11, 2003
I got off the phone with my friend Mike, tonight. I hadn't talked with him in a year or so. We go way back almost 20 years. It's one of those friendships were you don't talk forever and just pickup were you left off the last time you chatted. Anyway, I guess he is planning on goose hunting this weekend. He told me last year he had about 10 days were he shot limits and another 10 were he had half limits. I guess that is in the neigborhood of about 60 geese. The guy knows his stuff. Puts a lot of effort into his hunts. He shot a 23" 4 x 5 on his deer hunt a couple of weeks ago. I gave him your web address hopefully he checks it out. Like, I said before he lives in Nampa too. Good Luck, JLG.
Well this would be a good place for you two to keep in touch. I'd sure like to hook up with a guy that hunts as many geese as you said he does. There are a few of them around here.. hell, I jsut get out once in awhile