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Montana man leads the way.


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
J.F.Kirkpatrick of ZooMontana's Science and Conservation Center in Billings, Montana signed his FDA Investigational New Animal Drug Document for PZP use over to the Humane Society (, which is opposed to all hunting of any living creature for fun, trophy or sport. They have tried and failed (so far) to control an urban deer population on a New York island with it. They don't want the neutral or anti-hunters to see them shot or trapped in public I guess.

Porcine Zona Pellucida (PZP), a boar protein that stops other species sperm recognition through generation of antibodies, i.e. deer sterilization.

see Nov.2001 Outdoor Life for info. on PZP and Feb.2002 Peterson's hunting for info. on the Humane Society.

That Feb. article points out the National Shooting Sports Foundation has a $1 booklet to find out "What They Say About Hunting" to see WHO IS ON OUR SIDE(, (203)426-1320) for all sorts of outdoor oriented organizations. You can download it from their site in PDF form for free.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2002 09:49: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
Let me be sure I this saying he did a report for the FDA and that he signed rights to it over to the HSUS? In other words, it was damaging to their cause so they bought it in order to bury it? :confused:
The Montana guy wrote a report to the FDA on a promising way, PZP, to control deer populations without hunting. The Humane Society loves it, bought it, and he gave it to them. Now, the Humane Society has control of the use of PZP. Its still experimental until the FDA approves it and the Humane Society has to show it works to get approval.

This Montana guy has developed a promising deer sterilization drug, PZP. The Humane Society likes it because they don't like hunting. The only thing good about it for hunters maybe that urban deer control may be this drug and that might possibly help hunters a little. Instead of hunting urban areas and letting little kids and anti-hunters see blood and dead animals, this method may generate less anti-hunting attitudes than hunting as far as I can see. The Humane Society would then promote the drug to end all deer hunting though and that would be bad. At least its failing so far, according to the Outdoor Life story.
Gotcha; thanks. From what I read, though, the drug itself works, but the methods of administration make it very problematic to use practically. As I understand it, it has to be introduced via targeted darts because it works on ANYTHING that gets it (therefore they can't just put out food piles or whatever). It's expensive to use, especially in dart form. They're having to dart the deer twice a year due to varying efficacy times, and still can't promise to get enough of the herd to make a definite impact. Not to mention the side effects cited in the OL article. Not trying to start a fight, but I don't see any way this can be a good thing. High cost, poor success rate, aftereffects. Maybe warm and fuzzy, but not practical. :confused:

Folks, the OL article mentioned is available at .
What happens to us if we happen to get a deer shot up with this stuff and eat it? :eek:
I hope, if the humangy psycopaths get it. That they go broke trying to administer it.
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