I haven't seen this talked about, so forgive me if this is a repeat,... But as a non-res. hunter I have this concern. My buddy and I will be hunting Colorado OTC Elk in mid Sept. for 8 days. We are planning to backpack hunt wherever our boots take us. Now, IF or should I say WHEN we shoot an elk, and get it boned out and in game bags, then what do you guys do? I have heard of people cooling it in waterproof bags in creeks, and hanging it in trees. I assume we start hauling meat to the truck as soon as we can. My question is, what do you do with it when you get it to the truck? Do you go up the Mt. with coolers full of ice in the back of your truck already so that you have a way to keep the meat cool when you get it to the truck? or do you head for town to get ice in coolers when that happens? I'm guessing we could easily be an hour + drive on not so great roads from a town big enough to get block ice at? I was planning to pack big coolers full of frozen milkjugs of water and fill in the voids with cubed ice, tape coolers shut, and insulate with old sleeping bags. I guess it will depend on the weather , but I may just end up with a bunch of heavy water to get rid of at the end of the hunt... any advise?