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Maricopa County Sheriff


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Phoenix, AZ

With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees)just set a new record), the Associated Press reports:

About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down
to their government-issued pink boxer shorts.

On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees inside the week before.

Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their pink socks.

"It feels like we are in a furnace," said James Zanzot, an inmate who has lived in the tents for 1 1/2 years. "It's inhumane."

Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is
not one bit sympathetic.

He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates:
"It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too,and they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes...
so shut your damned mouths."

That sheriff is the BEST!!! We need more like him in this country.
I remember when Apriao first took his position, back in the mid 80's, someting.

TV's ...gone
Cig's... gone
Playboy, Penthouse...gone
Gym's, weight equipment, etc...gone
Daily showers..gone (once a week, if I remember)
Issued pink everything: boxers, t-shirts, socks, sheets.
No pogey bait
cold lunches
Inmates do their own laundry

The man has held office for a long time. The local's must still like him, I know I did.
This is the man that should throw his hat into the higher office arena, unless the sh1t is to thich and he can't put some of those deserving beurocrats into the pokey where a huge percetage belong....
He is one of the great hero's of this nation, to bad there are to many other left minded individuals that think this is just way over the top in unhuman treatment...
Guys the dude is hell on criminals and I respect him for that, but I think that when he's done and gone their gonna find out he's as corrupt as the rest. He's always talking about cutbacks and how much money he's saving us lowly tax payers but for some reason he can never balance his budget. Having to sell equipment and other things that the nation doesn't hear about. I hope I'm wrong but.....
I have been a supporter of The Sheriff since he ran the first time. He has made it unappealing to be thrown into jail in Maricpoa County. The biggest critics of Sheriff Joe are his inmates, and the bleeding heart media. But the repeat offenders have been reduced in the County. Must be doing something right.

As for his cutbacks, we have a budget shortfall in this state, and the politicians always cut the jail budget first. These are the same politicians that shot down Sheriff Joe's idea to make the prisoners work, and make the County jail system self-supporting. Funny, huh?
Having flashback images of Cool-Hand Luke! :D "What we have a failure to communicate!"

Remember Cool-Hand Luke's irreverent song?

"Get yourself a sweet Madonna
Dressed in Rhinestones, sittin' on a
Pedestal of abalone shell."

I won't do the whole thing just in case someone finds it offensive! :D
Guys, as a citizen of Maricopa County, I have to disagree with ya!

At first the "I'm the toughest Sheriff in America" stuff was cool, but after years of this guys bravado and corruption higher up in the sheriffs office, I've had enough as well as the majority of the population of this county.

Sheriff "Joe" is all about Sheriff Joe. You would have to live here to know what I'm talking about.

He uses the sheriffs department deputies to harass anyone who runs against him and spends money on rediculous equipment (tank, for example). His deputies are very poorly paid, but if you are a suckup, you get promoted and paid a six figure income, then you get to retire and get hired by the sheriffs office as a consultant and get another six figure income from the county while getting county retirement!

Yes, we needed a strong presence in the sheriffs office. Arpaio fit the bill nicely after the last yahoo in office. Does anybody remember the Bhuddist Monk murders? Man I'm glad that bozo is out of office. What an incompetant fool.

The tents are great and the chain gang/pink underwear/bologna are all great, but the wastes of money spent on all of the I'm sheriff Joe, aren't I great has got to stop. I can't wait for the next election.

I'm voting for W. Steven Martin and I'm not even a fan of country music! (you'd have to live here to know what I'm talking about)
My Dad was a Warden, back in New Brunswick, and a big fan of Joe's. He even had his book. Well, after I moved to AZ, it was a couple of years before Dad was able to make it out for a visit. On a whim, I called the Sheriff's Office, and asked if he ever received visitors.They said it depends on scheduling, who it was/why, etc. I explained my situation, and they were able to make an appointment for us. Well, the Sheriff set aside an hour or so, and shot the bull with my Dad and I, and even signed his book. He does like the spotlight though, and signed a couple of posters for my daughter. Afterwards, he had arranged a tour of Tent City for us. It was a very entertaining afternoon, for my Dad and I! That was a great gesture for the Sheriff to make some time for us like that (a couple of non-voters!)

On another note, I have gotten to know the Sheriff of Pinal County fairly well - a very good man in his own right. I think he and Sheriff Joe have a friendly rivalry going. Anyway, he made a good point about tents. The problem with Tent City is that - where there are inmates, there needs to be staff. The Staff didn't do anything wrong, to be out in the heat. Just a different perspective, that people don't often consider...

I do like most of Sheriff Joe's policies, and encourage everyone to buy his book.
As an innocent bystander I must say I am impressed with Sheriff Joe's policies. On the other hand John, if he is involved in any form of corruption maybe he needs to be fitted with some pink nighties himself.
I lived in Phoenix for the first 25 years of my life before moving to Alaska 7 years ago. I remember Sheriff Joe and I still keep up with things. He was fun at first and I can't say I disagree with all of his tactics. I personally think the "tent city", pink underwear, prison stripe uniforms, and chain gangs cleaning the roads are all great ideas. The thing I disagree with is the way he treats people awaiting trial. For those of you who don't know, the Sheriff takes care of those who have been convicted and sentenced to less than 1 year. He also jails people who have been denied bail or who can't make bail. Those are the people I am talking about. I don't think it is right that he treat unconvicted persons the same as those who have been convicted. The people awaiting trial are innocent until proven guilty. I agree that they should be securely kept, but I think they should have more priveleges than the convicted criminals. Just because someone is poor and can't afford bail, doesn't mean they should be treated like s**t. All that said, I'm not sure if I would vote for him or not if I still lived there. If W. Steven Martin is the only choice, I suppose I would vote for Joe again. I'm not a big fan of celebrities becoming politicians (the Sheriff is an elected official which comes with all the pitfalls of any other office) Well, I've ranted long enough, just my 2 cents worth from a former Phoenician.
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