Man Eating Grouse Home Invasion

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
Just when you thought you were safe from danger....

Rick Farthing escaped infection from Covid 19 and was unfazed by a pestilence of Murder Hornets.

But I got a telephone call from him a month or so ago telling me that the “friendly” grouse from his woods had now invaded his house.

By the time I got there to help things had escalated to blows and Rick was getting the brunt of Harry’s assault. Thankfully, with some skillful negotiating the pugnacious pugilist was convinced to vacate the premises and return to his normal habitat.

Recent report seem to indicate he has abandoned his brutal assaults on humans and has been beating his own chest while trying to impress the ladies with his ferocity.

Northwest Montana trembles in anticipation of what next year could bring if several broods of attack grouse are hatched.
LOL. There was a grouse much like this one wandering around Black Sandy campground this past weekend. Had not a care and wasn't the least bit concerned about humans.
LOL. There was a grouse much like this one wandering around Black Sandy campground this past weekend. Had not a care and wasn't the least bit concerned about humans.
I can't stop watching this.

Per the above - seems to be peak 'rut' for Dusky's right now. We were following one fanned out, strutting and hooting for 20 minutes last weekend. He would let us get to about 5 yards before he got even remotely nervous.
This grouse has somehow connected with Rick back in September and comes running whenever he hears the ATV or his tractor. He will also come to Rick calling him. It seems like his home range is about 150 yds square.

Now that mating season is here he is ranging further and is preoccupied with the ladies. He hasn’t been seen for a couple weeks.

Hopefully he is still alive.60CC791B-1225-436C-BA1C-5D0A9CA6FB82.jpeg
I'm helping a grad student with grouse surveys, but obviously I picked the wrong transects to survey.
He just needs the super effective, super secret grouse call “ Thumpermatic Mc3900.” For the low, low price of $19.95 plus shipping and and handling I will sell the secret sound to him. 😁

Would you like to endorse it? Think of the money we could make back in Big Falls, MN. 😂
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I had a turkey do this to me once at a roadside pullout. It almost took me down. THere was a lady there filming it. I gave her my contact info, but she never did send me the footage.