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Mailing Frozen Meat Across the Border??


Aug 27, 2011
Has anyone ever mailed frozen meat from the US to Canada or Canada to the US. I have a friend that lives outside of Montreal. I want to mail him elk and deer meat. He wants to mail me moose meat in exchange. I have a couple thick Styrofoam coolers that my company has mailed Christmas hams in. Frozen gel packs should keep the meat frozen for at least two days.Is there any paperwork that needs to be completed? Any help would be appreciated.
That would be a great trade! I don't have a lot of experience with this, but a couple years ago I went to Newfoundland to hunt moose. My partner and I drove because I told him there was no way that I would go if I could not bring back all of the meat with me. I put 6000 miles on my Tundra. When we got there, we found out that there was a company that would ship it to the U.S., but had only certain pickup points. I decided right there that I would never have used them.

I think it may be a bit difficult and expensive, but do your homework and figure out the best method. I was not impressed with the option that we were presented with had we not driven to Newfoundland with several big coolers. I will not do a hunt in an area where I have to fly there and then ship stuff back to the U.S. It is not worth it to me, as I hunt for the meat and I don't want to invest any more than necessary to get it home.

Bringing all of it back with us, I think that I still had $22 a pound in the moose meat!
My friend and I ship frozen stuff back and forth often between Pittsburgh and Fairbanks. I send deer meat in exchange for moose and salmon. We wrap it in newspaper and pack in a styrofoam cooler with freezer packs. We generally go with next day air and it always arrives solid. Not sure about paperwork, never was interested to find out.
I ship meat from Anchorage to my family in the lower 48 a couple times each year. No issues there since that's U.S. to U.S. However, the few times I've driven across the U.S. / Canada border I've always been questioned about whether I have meat (questioned by the Canada agents). One instance was when the U.S. / Canada beef import ban was in the news so maybe that's why they specifically asked. My suggestion is to look up their customs website and see what the restrictions might be. Not sure if they treat animal products differently if they're mailed vs. driven across the border but it would be a place to start.
I go across the US/Canada border two to three times a month. They ask me everytime if I have meat. I have never tried bringing any across but I know it's on their radar.
It is definitely a different ball game going from one country to another. Alaska is no different than sending it to the state next door. The shipping is not the problem, it is the difference in customs laws that become a problem internationally.
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