Looking for a small wood stove


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2014
Weston County, WY
I am enclosing our patio. Making it into a four-season room. That's kind of a big thing in WY. I want a small wood burning stove to heat it in the winter. There is no way to get the central heat to it without spending big dollars.

I want a high quality one, but not to spent the $1k I am seeing on line.

Any ideas? Am I being realistic? TIA
Have you looked on craigslist or local news papers ? I have bought used for all my stoves except for a rice coal stove we had in our old houses basement. Make sure to check with your insurance company also.
The Vogelzang Boxwood stove in the hunting cabin keeps that small space nicely heated. It is not as tight as the soapstone panel stove we have at home, but it cost much less.

Jotul stoves from Norway. Jotul makes some amazing stoves and generally used they are pretty reasonable. I have purchased many used when I lived in the Midwest and heated with wood. I still have a few in my Indiana deer camp. If you can find one I would highly recommend.
I've got a small-ish one I am ready to part with. Let me know if you are interested


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Jotul stoves from Norway. Jotul makes some amazing stoves and generally used they are pretty reasonable. I have purchased many used when I lived in the Midwest and heated with wood. I still have a few in my Indiana deer camp. If you can find one I would highly recommend.
Here is a jotul I can recommend for under $1,000. I have this exact stove in my hunt camp it is great for a medium room. https://www.ebay.com/itm/143928738588?hash=item2182d2431c:g:r3cAAOSw2HxgD1tY&LH_BO=1