looking for a couple others to join our Western W.A. backpack elk hunt.


New member
Jun 12, 2016
lakebay Washinton
My brother Eric and I (Aaron) have backpack archery hunted Western Washington for elk the past 5 years and though we love our tradition every year, we realized it would be more fun to share with other hunters, no one else in our family hunts and the couple buddies we do have that hunt, rifle hunt and aren't that serious. We put in for all tags in washington and drawings in W.A. and have some points, but really want to start hunting all the western states. For those that are out of state and would like to give it a crack here maybe we could trade hunts. We are no strangers to hard work and hard hunting we're both in our early 30's laid back and just love to hunt and laugh around the fire. I am willing to be the caller, pack mule or just another set of eyes as well.

Our hunt dates are in early archery season from Sept, 10-22

The kill is the satisfying, indeed essential, conclusion to a successful hunt. But, I take no pleasure in the act itself. One does not hunt in order to kill, but kills in order to have hunted. Then why do I hunt? I hunt for the same reason my well-fed cat hunts...because I must, because it is in the blood, because I am the descendent of a thousand generations of hunters. I hunt because I am a hunter.

Finn Aagard
Hey Aaron, I have bow hunted in Co. and Id. and taken Rocky Mtn. elk. I am planning on going to Id again in 2017. Or.... Do you and your bro hunt Roosevelt Elk? I'm strongly considering hunting Or. for Roosevelt. I have horses, so I usually pack in the back country for deer, but can't get drawn for elk (California). I am a little older than you "boys", but I'm in good shape. ~Mark
That's very cool of you. I was doing big some reading the other day on the different species of elk we have here and found out that the Roosevelt elk pack more meat. That's awesome! I'd like to get one in home state first before branching out ha ha! Never know though. I go out by myself. I'm new to hunting, and I met a couple of good people on IG and they offered to take me out on a trip. That's where I saw my first bull elk. I am hooked lol. I can definitely see why more eyes are better, especially why more bodies are better if your lucky enough to pack something out.
Hey LandDiver, What is IG? Yeah, bodies are good when the real work begins. What areas of Idaho did you hunt? I tried the Panhandle region. Very brushy and timbered. It's mostly low elevation though. I also drew in unit 44 a few years back. Alot steeper and higher, but with good rewards.
Hey LandDiver, What is IG? Yeah, bodies are good when the real work begins. What areas of Idaho did you hunt? I tried the Panhandle region. Very brushy and timbered. It's mostly low elevation though. I also drew in unit 44 a few years back. Alot steeper and higher, but with good rewards.

IG = InstaGram. My first time hunting was this past late season archery for deer and elk in 39. I learned quick you can't just expect to climb a mountain lol! I think the highest I got this past November was almost 8,500 ft. Other then that I was mostly in the 5-6k area, especially when the snow came. I'll be much more ready this year no question. I can't wait! Got a couple units I really want to focus my scouting on. I've never scouted before, so everything will be a learning experience for me. Just want to try what I read and see successful hunters do.
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