Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Locked Out Wilderness in My Private Idaho!!


Yes, we use Pick-ups (Fords for the heavy hauling) to bring our gear in to the put in site, downstream from the town of Salmon Idaho. The Jetboat gangs are a complete different set of regulations/restrictions, and for the most part, they operate for different reasons.

Why are there Jetboats on the river? My cynical side says because we have people too lazy to use their own power to get along the river. But the legal answer is that it was a "historical" use on the River, and when the regulations were being drafted for Wild and Scenic River status, and the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness act, the historical uses were allowed.

For the most part, the Floaters and the Jetboaters have formed a polite truce, and there is minimal contention/conflict. I think the Jetboaters recognize that if they behave irresponsibly, their use would be the one that gets removed, in my opinion.

For the most part, they wave to us, and my kids load up their Stream Machine water guns, and try and spray their passengers. The experiences of the Jetboat paying passengers is enhanced by seeing the Floaters. Nothing like sitting in a Jetboat, and watching a bunch of Floaters get worked in a rapid...

The lodges that I posted pictures of (Shepp Ranch, Polly Bemis) all use Jetboats to get their guests into the lodge.

Personally, I am amazed at how some of these guys can run their Jetboats thru some of the rapids. I drive a Jetboat in Hells Canyon for fishing each fall, and it scares the sh!t out of me...

You said:

"Why are there Jetboats on the river? My cynical side says because we have people too lazy to use their own power to get along the river"

Why do you need a Big Gas Guzzling Ford to get your raft to the launch site? The cynical side of me says that you are to lazy to use your own power to get to the river.


Again, you are wrong... This just ain't your day.... every topic you post on, and you miss the mark.

The reason I use a Ford Super Duty with the V-10 is that is the only rig I have, since I got rid of the Mercedes. (I do miss that car, nothing like German engineering to soothe the miles....). And the main reason I use the Ford is because I need a rig that can haul 24 feet of stock trailer loaded with cattle. Yeppers, sometimes I have to haul some Whitefaces into Market, and just hope that some Welfare Rancher is not liquidating his sorry looking herd that day.

Oh, by the way.... How come you never posted any of your pictures on your Vacation? You know, the vacation where you chose to float the Middle Fork of the Salmon River? You know, the River that flows through the largest Wilderness area in the Lower 48? You know, the Wilderness area that is loaded with "flesh eating" Carnivores?
And oh yeah, I just can't seem to remember why you chose to float 100 rapids in 100 miles down the Wild and Scenic Middle Fork, instead of spending your time in the slack water in the Lower Snake, behind some fish killing Dam?
Cattle gunner,

Why do you need the big v10 gas hog to haul your cattle to market in? Why not get you one of those wild ponies you brag about and train it. Then do it like they did in the good old days when the rivers where free flowing and you could cross the river on the salmons backs. Take your horse and drive them to market. Something cynical tells me that you are too lazy to.

OK I see just about anyone can get access if they want it.

"To float this river, you have to put in a Lottery in January, and then draw a tag, against 12:1 odds."

I think maybe, just maybe you were trolling with that one.