Local cop killed here.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Wanna bet the fugger is an ILLEGAL ALIEN?

SOMERS - A Kenosha County sheriff's deputy was shot twice, once in the face, during a traffic stop in a quiet subdivision late Wednesday night. The officer, Frank Fabiano Jr., 48, was taken to the hospital but died a short time later.

After a three-hour manhunt in the area, the suspect, Ezequiel Lopez, 45, was arrested outside an apartment complex 15 blocks east of the shooting scene.

According to a release from the sheriff's department, the incident started Wednesday at 11:37 p.m. when Deputy Fabiano pulled over a red ‘95 Chevy Astro van for a traffic violation in a subdivision south of County Hwy. E and east of State Hwy. 31. It was unclear what the traffic violation was.

When a back-up officer from UW-Parkside, Jimmie Spino, arrived, he found Fabiano shot and returned fire. The suspect fled on foot and officer Spino radioed to dispatchers that the deputy was down.

The Somers Rescue Squad arrived and rushed Fabiano to St. Catherine's Medical Center but doctors were unable to save him.

Lopez, pictured left, has several aliases and Social Security numbers. U.S. Immigration and Customs is also looking into whether Lopez is a legal resident. The feds will check his fingerprints to find out his real identity and if he's supposed to be in the United States.

His last address is listed as Kenosha, but authorities were unsure whether that was current.
Small chunk of magnesium would be good. Light it and shove it up his rear. Won't tell ya who taught me that one.
Small chunk of magnesium would be good. Light it and shove it up his rear. Won't tell ya who taught me that one.
I'll take a guess who taught ya.
Catholic Priest ??
JB-It was a grandpa from Arkansas that had a rape in the family. He wasn't a priest for sure. He was in his 60s in 1967 when I hunted with him. He was a union organizer in the good old days and a tough old bastard. Certainly not a priest since he violated a few of the commandments. I was 17 and thought that guy could easily kick Chuck Norris's ass.
Ringer, what changed your mind about telling who taught ya? :D

I hear ya on the Grand-pa story.
while your ol pappy might of been tough my ol pop would of bitched slaped him......Chuck Norris couldnt carry my Grand-father's jock strap!
Ringer, what changed your mind about telling who taught ya? :D

I hear ya on the Grand-pa story.
while your ol pappy might of been tough my ol pop would of bitched slaped him......Chuck Norris couldnt carry my Grand-father's jock strap!

Oh yea? Well, my g-pa would have made your ol pop eat the peanuts out of his shit!
He wasn't my relative. Just took me hunting and told me stuff that made me understand what tough men are made of. He's long dead so no harm in telling. Just didn't want you thinking a fudgepacker told me.
Now Schmalts Matt and Hoser would say how do you know this puke was "illegal"? the article didn`t say it.... I will bet he is... and your right he is!... Fry him! but as you know "IF" he is illegal he "CANNOT" get the death penalty
I was a police chief in New England when we lost two state troopers. The shooter also killed a judge and newspaper editor. He wounded a F&G officer during the hunt for him. Fortunately it ended on a wooded hillside with a 223 round through his teeth. (Not self inflicted!!!!) No cost of trial and appeal system. At the funerals two of my officers saw one of their classmates from their recently attended acadamy. He left to go work the midnight shift. At 3 am he was killed checking on a car pulled off the side of the road.
Just a couple weeks ago there was an officer killed in NH by a cousin to that dipshit Bodie Miller. Notice he recently quite the US Ski team. A passer by noticed the shooting and stopped to help. The guys son was calling on the radio for help. The father was yelling at the shooter to drop the gun. He didn't so he took the Police Officers gun and killed him. Needless to say no charges are pending against the father.
Unfortunately there are a lot of good young men and women giving their lives to protect us on our own soil every year. Illegal immigrant or not you kill a cop in this country you should get the chair (one that doesn't quite work perfectly and takes a few tries to get it right) on the court house lawn for all to see.
I absolutley agree with the 2 posts above.....but sadly illegal immigrants have more rights in this country than American citizens......they skate on the death penalty if they are from Mexico and thats just plain wrong!
Scottymack, you might know this story.
Locally, some puke named "Tao Rivera" killed a cop three years ago. They convicted him a few weeks ago, and yesterday, the jury came back with the death penelty.

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