Like a kid waiting for Christmas


New member
Jun 3, 2002
Colorado Springs, CO
I just can't wait. But I guess I have no alternative.

In two weeks I will leave for five weeks of hunting and outdoor recreation in Alaska.

First trip will be ten days of canoeing and fishing on the Tikchik Lakes, with my son. Next will be ten days of moose hunting on the King Salmon River, with three other guys. Then finally I will hunt the Mulchatna herd for ten days.

I have had things arranged since February and have been dreaming, packing and buying gear ever since. I mailed two coolers full of freeze-dried food to the B&B, a couple of weeks ago. I have been packed and ready to walk out the door for a couple of weeks.

Just got back from the range. First group of three I could cover with a quarter. Last group out of a box of 20, the hole was so small that you had to look close to see that it was slightly oval. I'm ready.

KC.... Best of luck... I've been following your plans and envying the hell out of you..

Take lots of pictures and keep a good log so you cn relate all of your adventures...

You'll catch some nice fish and see some nice critters, no doubt...
Pygmy & Nut:

Thanks for the good wishes. I am taking a digital camera so I can post the pictures easily. I don't have a laptop but maybe I can use a computer at the pilot or B&B. Hope so. It would be nice post pictures and summaries of each hunt each time that I return to Dillingham.

I need to take software to load onto their coputer so that I can retrieve pictures from my camera.

Does anyone know if there is a cyber cafe in Dillingham?

Do they offer public Internet access at the public library?

Sounds great, pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures,pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures,pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures,pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures,
Right behind you KC. I got 4 more weeks to go. Production level at work is at a serious all-time low. Good luck!!! :D

I'll still be there four weeks after I leave. Where are you hunting?

Daniel in AK:

Thanks for the well wishes. Can't wait to get back to AK.

Seven days and counting.

KC, my math must be bad....the last time I counted 30 days was 4 weeks instaed of 5....but what the hell! We all must be envious. I did a 21 day stint up there about 7 years ago and quiet honestly it was about a week too much for my liking.
Will you be guided on the moose? Are you flying in on the Bou? Best of luck to you and may all your draems pan out! We'll look forward to the pics....

Arrive Dillingham August 22,
Depart Dillingham September 29,
That's 39 days counting arrival and departure days.

"First trip will be ten days of canoeing and fishing on the Tikchik Lakes, with my son. Next will be ten days of moose hunting on the King Salmon River, with three other guys. Then finally I will hunt the Mulchatna herd for ten days.'

.....Thanks for clearing that up KC...your original post didn't say you omitted travel plans on the 10 day-10 day- 10 day deal. I knew the math wasn't adding up to waht you had written.
Hope you find success in you endeavor!
It looks like the trip will start out with some relatively warm weather and some showers.

Sun Aug 22 Showers 68°/55° 40 %
Mon Aug 23 Showers 68°/53° 60 %
Tue Aug 24 Showers 67°/53° 40 %
Wed Aug 25 Showers 65°/52° 30 %
Thu Aug 26 Scattered Showers 63°/52° 40 %

Dillingham, AK forecast from

The weather is looking warmer than worst case scenario. Looks like we can reduce some weight and take fewer sets of long johns.
