Legal Beagels and Outhouse Lawyers!!



Wife said one of the inmates had a cardiovascular problem night before last. Died for three minutes. First time an Ohio prisoner's life has been "kick started" using the portable paddles. He is serving a life sentence. :eek: Implications please!! What are your thoughts?? Is his sentence finished? Is the state guilty of cruel and unusual punishment for extending his sentence?? :confused: Hmmmmmmm...
Toonces; I'd darn near hire you just to keep an eye on the outcome!! Looks to me like it might be a real fun one. She says nobody has mentioned contacting a lawyer yet. The guy is only 57 years old and has been in for over 20 years. Don't know what the charges were. My puter has been dead and I haven't been ableto rrsearch the background yet. Soon as I catch up on news....
Personally, I think if he isn't permanently dead and buried then he should remain in prison. That's the intent of a life sentence. But I'm sure Ohio has a legal defintion of death and if he met it then he'd probably go free if challenged. Catch 22 and all that, what?
Hey Toonces, just make sure you skip a line and write on the front side of the page only. This would be a fun one to handle on either side. IMHO I say that he is in until he is in the ground perm. Sometimes life doesn't mean life though.

He may have been clinically dead, but with out a pronouncement of death, he isn't officially dead. If he doesn't have a death certificate, he cannot prove he was dead.

Just like without a birth certificate, you can't prove you were born..

I can't seem to get any of those whimp guards or nurses to put a bug in his ear! How inthe heck does anyone expect me to stir the pot without a little cooperation! :D I shall not lsurrender; however, I shall endeavor to continue to commence to begin to start something!! Inquiring minds want to know!! :rolleyes:
Any of you ever watch the Princess Bride? Really funny scene about whether a fellow is dead--or just mostly dead. If he was all dead there is only one thing you can do--go through his pockets and look for loose change :D
LOL @ Hawken 45!! :D I guess when you think about it; we all wake up one day deader than yesterday! :D