Caribou Gear Tarp

Kids and Predators


Active member
Aug 9, 2013
Anyone have any stories about predators coming in to investigate the sounds of children?

I understand how unlikely it is for coyotes, cats, wolves, or other larger predators to approach humans. But, I was recently camping with my wife and three month old son in western Montana when I was stupid enough to mention to my wife how similar our son's cry sounded to a predator call. You can probably imagine about how well that went over.....

Anyways, maybe I'll wise up one of these days and learn to keep my big mouth shut.

No critters ever came to visit. I just thought I'd check to see if anyone actually knew of any instances where the sound of a child might have drawn one in close.
I don't know of any specific instances, but when my daughter is crying/whining I'll say to her,

"Shhhhh! You're calling the coyotes in!"

It was actually really effective for a while.
I know a guy that recorded his baby daughter crying and has used the recording to call in coyotes. I've never hunted with him, but my dad did and said it really worked.
When my son was an infant, I had him strapped in a car seat on the deck while I shot my bow. My son would cry every time I went to retrieve the arrows and then stop when I got back. This went on for a while until one time I had retrieved my arrows and turned around to see a wild dog nose to nose with my son. I hollered and ran towards the dog and it ran off. It was one of two wild dogs that lived in the area. The dog had come in to his crying. The dog must have been watching from the woods until I left to get the arrows. I never did see the dogs again. I had a present for them if I would have.
When my son Noah was young I carried him everywhere I went in a backpack. When he was 2 or 3, I hiked him up to a high mountain lake, took him out of the pack and let him splash/wade around in the lake.

When it came time to leave I gathered him up and put him back in the backpack (more like trying to put a tomcat into a bucket of water).. As was expected, he threw a total fit and began screaming and crying as only a young baby can.

After about 300 yards walking along the edge of the timber, {Noah, still screaming and squirming like his arm was being pulled off}, a Black Bear came out of the underbrush right in front of us at about 20 yards.

Not sure if it was fear or common sense, or maybe it was the hammers of the 72cal Kodiak and the fine bead drawn on his mellon, but the bear concluded that something wasn't right and vanished as quickly as he had appeared, just as I reached about 3lbs of the 4lb trigger squeeze.

Noah stopped crying the instant the bear appeared and I still believe, that to this day, his eyes will still open a little wider!:D
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