Caribou Gear Tarp

July 4th Coyote hunt

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
The night of the 3rd I got a call from a couple of new friends that are hardcore predator hunters. They had to scratch the itch to call in a dog and they invited me to go.

I've smoked a few yotes while hunting other game. I've gone out predator calling a handful of times not really knowing what I was doing and saw a few, but have never actually pulled the trigger.

We called 4 stands. Two of us with rifles, one with a shotgun.

1st stand-coyote comes in to 60 yards but only the shotgunner sees it. No shot.

2nd stand- coyote comes racing in to the call from my side. He hangs up in some tall sage about 150 yards out. After about 20 seconds he takes off on a run. The caller barks and stops him. I can only see his ears and about 2 inches of his head. I squeeze off and miss.

3rd stand-nothing

4th stand-coyote comes in from behind us and gets within 20 feet of shotgunner before he sees him. Shotgunner swings and shoots a load of #4 buck. Bye bye doggy. Big male.

It was fun. These guys defineatly know what they are doing. I'll try to get them to take me some more.
Tyson..Kudos on your hunt.. I guess moving from Idaho you've found other game.... HOGS & Yotes.. EH ?

THANX for the UPDATE !!

PS< Missed your call.. DINNER will work. CALL me on the CELL and leave a message or PM me here and leave a time and # to call ya tomorrow or Monady... THANX !!
Fun and lots of action, now THAT'S a great day!
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