Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Its like wild kingdom out here tonight


Active member
Sep 26, 2006
Kalispell/Helena, MT
Everywhere I went I was running into bull elk, cow elk, mulie bucks and does, whitetails, and finally bears. Jeez, took a while but I saw 3 tonight. This little dinker went up this giant cottonwood, ran into him in very tight quarters. Then walking out I saw a beautiful 5 foot light cinnamon, was able to glass it from 75 yards. Determined to the best of my knowledge it was a sow, skinny face, small shoulders, hippy, awesome hide, white patch on her chest. Walked up to about 35 or 40 yards and snapped a cell phone pic but it didn't turn out. Then in the next clearcut, saw a big mature chocolate, definitely boar, huge shoulders, stout nose. Decided to shoot it right away, wind blowing downhill right at him, he's alerted to my stinky self, trying to hurry into a good shooting position, fumble flipping around with slash and scope covers, he bolted. PUKE!!!! Yep, dropped the ball. Hope I can see him again.


Here is the cinnamon, thought I took one with her front feet on a stump so you could see the patch, but can't find it.
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Can't wait to see a hero shot. I'm jealous that you don't still have the white stuff on the ground. Snowed again just above the house last night:(
Nice pics. I too am waiting for a good bear on the ground photo.
Awesome Draht!! now that is what makes a fun hunt! Killing that big boar would have just made the rest of the night into a lot of work!

no wolves huh?
I would have loved to have been packing that guy out last night. Still just sick to my stomach, Jeeeezus, I am an idiot. I suppose some video of me slipping, tripping, and cracking that logging slash while just about dropping my rifle would have been entertaining. Should have had an awesome bear.

No wolves, no lions. One giant g-bear track in a mud puddle too. Not cool. There were some giant dog tracks in some mud puddles on the way in, but there were also some bicycle tracks too, maybe someone running their giant dog. Also some dirt bike trx, aholes. That had me pissed on the way in. I wish I could put up a couple cams and bust their azz. I thought I should just put up some signs at the gate, saying I have 5 cams up ready to bust you riding in here, think you can find em all?
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Can't wait to see a hero shot. I'm jealous that you don't still have the white stuff on the ground. Snowed again just above the house last night:(

Still plenty of snow up a little higher, this is just low land that is greening up really good. Three days of 70+ will really get the grass growing now. I see no reason to go busting my hump mountain climbing when I am seeing bears like this in the foothills. I will take an easy mile and half walk on a logging road any day to see a bear like that.
Nice pics glad to see you are finding bears now.It looks like you are hunting the timber alot is there any signs to look for when your in the woods where you cant glass besides scat?Let me know if you need help getting one out while I am out there I would be glad to give you a hand if you need it.
Mostly glassing edges of clearcuts. I was just cutting through a swamp when I ran into that little bear. He was as shocked as me I am sure.

Bears around here spend a lot of time tearing stumps and logs apart to get at the grubs and bugs inside. This one was just chowing on grass, like he was in a hurry or something.

I just go slow and watch in the evenings mostly. This all took place between 7 pm and 9 pm last night. These bottoms that are greening up now are too thick and loud to put much of a stalk on a bear. It was bad luck this bear was on the downhill side of the road downwind of me. Barring a storm, your winds will be down slope off the mountains in the morning until about 930 or 10 then upslope until evening cool off, then blow down again.

Its looking good man! Very excited now.
This gets me pumped up. I told the wife I'm 'out' this weekend...or at least part of it. Good luck Drah!
Good luck finding that boar again drat.................i haven't been out since i saw the tank on friday night.....buddy in western montana sent me another dead bear pic.

I'm going back tonight to look for that big one. I'll just have to look though, i will have my 4 kids, and 5 other kids. My night to babysit, so were going glassing.
Man, that is the position I am going into right now. My wife is under the gun with work, school, has to do a bunch of work at home on it all, so I need to keep the kids out of the way. Then she is off to UM all next week. I almost bow-whacked a turkey the other night with these two in tow, but good grief. Now is the time to be hunting hard. Our weather is clear, sunny, hot, MY GOSH!!! I should be out there right now!! May just have to suck it up and go with a 4 and 6 y.o.LOL
Where are the pics of the deer and elk? Ive had bad cabin fever lately and need to get out. Good luck on the bear!
Took a quick spin out to the woods tonight. Saw some bears but not one I can shoot. Sow with two cubs, and one sorry arse rubbed off ugly bear. We had a stare down right in the road. He actually started getting huffy enough, walking around all stiff legged, and swinging his head slowly side to side, I put the camera back around my neck and popped the safety on my rifle off, little bastage.



It is a little blurry, too dark to hold the camera still for a slow shutter.
Holy cow, that little mangy looking bugger looks just like one i saw last week. Look liked a half shaved sheep!!:)

Suprised they would be rubbed that early.
LOL, well, the crazy mangy looking little $%!&, he took about 5 steps toward me! So I did go up on the bank, I was just going to skirt through the woods around him, but it seemed when I had the high ground he turned and went up the road then jumped onto the side of another cottonwood. I though I would get another pic of a treed bear, but he jumped off and booked. I know what that means when they start that slow head swinging stuff, and he was big enough to kick my butt, if he could get past a 7 RUM.
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