PEAX Equipment

ISO a Wyoming outfitter I can hunt with no points


New member
Sep 12, 2017
Looking to hunt Wyoming with two buddies. Neither have any points - can anyone recommend a quality guide - cost isnt really an issue?
If cost isn't an issue, I'd be looking for NM landowner tags and/or calling all the UT CWMUs with pronghorn tags. There are also opportunities in Texas.
I agree. If cost isn't an issue I wouldn't be looking at WY units that take 0 points.
If price is no issue I sure wouldn’t be looking at Wyoming. I’d be getting landowner tags in NM
What is the average price of a landowner tag in New Mexico or outfitter CMWU tag in Utah?
I have family just south of Gillette that outfit if you are still looking for a place. Pretty easy to draw I believe.
Wyoming isn't a state you really need to hunt pronghorn really. They are everywhere. I have seen B&C grade goats but not lucky enough to get close enough for a shot yet.

As far as zero points, if you are serious, I can point you to a location where you are likely to find them on public land. PM me if you want more info.