Introducing a new bow hunter


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2019
West TN
Alright guys -

My BIL has decided to take up bow hunting (whitetails, mostly from a stand) We went and got him set up with a bow, release and arrows. We are going to start shooting and he may hunt a couple of times during late season. I’ve never introduced an adult to the sport and am far from a great archery hunter (primarily scouting for rifle). My sister wanted to get him set up with just some basics so I thought I’d ask if you were staring fresh give me a short list.
Have him stand 5 feet from a big target or a wall of backdrop targets ( like at a bow shop). Have him draw, anchor, then close his eyes and work on just releasing without worrying about punching bullseyes. Helps to develop a really good release.

When it comes to hunting, try and set him up in a high traffic area if you can.. Even if the deer are 100-200 yards away it will get his blood pumping and wanting to get closer.