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illegal`s suing U.S.A.

Ok Guys I did not say that it right for illegals to enter the country and I am not just talking out of my Ear ....BTW I have lived on the border in Texas and know exactly what you are talking about, I said that pissing in the water is futile and wrong. And the rat poison comment I will not go there. It appears that there is no reasoning with this post ,as for me I will simply use my bleeding heart liberal time and use it to possibly change the situation.
first i would like to thank mr.few for posting those link`s i hope anyone who think`s this isn`t a huge problem will read them and then rethink this , i call my congressman, and rep`s all of the time,it`s not doing much good my friend`s and reletives also call, i think RADICAL measures are in order to help with the problem that`s why pissing in those water bottles is really mild , compared to what should be done! #1 military on the border`s #2 minefield`s from texas to sandiego, if our gov`t is SERIOUS about stopping drug trafficing and terrorism then this should be done right away! also on some of those link`s their are petition`s you can sign and they are sent to the white house,congress etc. but the real problem is we as american`s aren`t getting thru to the politition`s about how big this issue is! they [both parties ignore this issue]
i forgot ! i would like to ask marland`s and the idaho guy`s actualy this question is for anyone. do the illegal`s dominate most of the construction job`s in youre state?
Nope, in Idaho about the only time you find illegals on construction crews is for insulation crews. No body else will take that work. If we didn't have the insulation, energy consumption would soar, and more dams would be built, and more salmon would be killed. This is the land of opportunity, and all are needed.

And occasionally you will find illegals stocking sheet rock in new construction. Again, one of the hardest jobs on the site, and one not desired by white trash.
Nope, the wets here take landscaping jobs and other more menial tasks like walking soybeans (that job has all but disappeared) there's a tire business owned by a naturalized citizen that has wets hanging around all the time.

This one landscaper I know has a mex for a lead man and he provides the help, funny how when one quits the next guy in has the same Social Security number.....then there's the 5,000 cow dairy getting built that is going to employ mex help from cali, wonder how many will be legal... or the poultry processing plant nearby, 90% + mex help.

When I worked construction out there it was mostly Bikers, old men and indians.
Hey my old friend cj is What scares me is this. You never know who is crossing the border illegally. When i was hunting javelina in 36c(az guys will know where this is) I personally saw well over 50 people crossing the border illegally. First day we had one beaner in our camp and if it wasn't for a guy that came along for fun and not to hunt, he probably would have stolen alot of valuable stuff from our camp. My buddy came out of his tent(hung over as all hell at 10am) with a .357 and the illlegal crosser ran. Then the next day, and more disturbing, was seeing the group of 50, yes 50(I counted through my binos as did 3 of my buddies), illegals crossing the border and walking north to Three Points or who knows where. My friend from France(insert joke here) who legally entered this country 23 years ago and just got his green card, solely because he got married, wanted to shoot them. I called "La Migra" aka Border Patrol(who have some serious nightvision and heat sensitive equipment by the way) to tell them about the invasion. Even they were shocked to hear that it was a group of 50, they kept asking if maybe it was 10-15 and we couldn't count. But we all counted from different positions and it was definitely 50, exactly. The point is: I cannot be sure that they were all Mexicans, and I don't think Border Patrol ever caught them. I would feel real bad if some raghead(muslim arab radical) made it through and killed 1,000 americans when I had a chance to cap him at the border. Securing our border is more than keeping the wets out. Like my friend said who took over 20 years to get a green card and was here legally and recognized by the government the whole time and paid taxes "why let these beaners come here so easy when for anyone else(europeans, etc) it is so hard?" cj is right, this is a serious problem that needs immediate attention. I really don't expect anyone who doesn't live in a border state to understand. Hell, the border where we were was nothing more than a barbed wire cattle fence. Go cj!!!
CJ , I think the differenceon the construction jobs is AZ is a right to work state and here you have to have a union card or your stuff gets waxed...and not the good way.
The mexicans that come here to work, are hard working honest people... The ones that bother me are the young ones that wanna get rich fast and know they can break the law and get away with it....

Dont get me wrong I dont think they should be able to run the borders at all. but I have known a good many illegals(from some of my ranch friends) and they are hard working honest people, they would give you the shirt off thier back if you needed it....

Alot of the people running the boarder are drug carriers, I knwo many people that have had the vehicles ripped off and used to run drugs back and forth until they were caught. 2 guys I know very well have thier vehicles shot to hell in a shoot out between the drug runners(the ones who stole the trucks) and the boarder patrol.

Thier is some real nice hunting grounds south of tucson that I would love to hunt but wont... I am affraid that I would go down there and be hunting and run into problems.... I aint worried about my own life but man how do you explain that you just popped a few people who where trying to steal your truck or shooting at you first. Anymore they have more rights than we do. I am not type of person to stand thier and watch someone steal my vehicle and or stuff let alone back down from 20 guys because they want my stuff. I always go armed in the desert and in the city for that matter(even bowhunting)....
Thier are always people who say hey thats what you have insurance for.
you know what insurance or no insurance I worked hard for my stuff and I will be damned if I let some punks steal it with out putting up a fight, and since I am always armed I will most likely win.
As far as insurance you get ripped off for a good sum of money and see how much more money you pay every month for insurance...

I belive we should put a stop to illegal imigration across our borders. I dont care how we do it , it just should be done... I would like to see our military do it personally.... As far as land mines YUP I can agree with that if thats what it takes. but the boarder patrol they got now just isnt enough...

You know on military base's(some of them banger in washington state for one) if you cross a marked fence they will fire a warning shot... if you cross the next one your killed... No if and or buts about it. with terrorism at a high I dont think that would be to bad a deal (as long as both sides knew the consiquensesfor crossing)..

For the part about business;'s ranches and other high use of illegal labor. they shouldnt be allowed to do so... when I was a kid growning up I used to channge sprinkler pipes, pick apple's and cherrys, cut alfalfa and all kinds of jobs to make some money... heck we made good money back then. The kids nowadays dont want to work but if that was the only way they could make money (like 25+ years ago) they would... americans have gotten to lazy and its about time we go back and teach our kids that they have to work for what they want to buy... This free hand out shit and daddy and mommy will help me is tearing this country apart....
thank`s for the feedback, on the construction issue[illegal`s] out here all of the framing, concrete,even painting, stucco, almost any construction is dominated by illegal` labor, and it should be stopped, as delw said we need to teach our kid`s to learn the value of hard work, i picked grapes in the summer in high school [70`s] and we made some good money, but you worked hard and busted ass, but when you where in good shape it wasn`t a problem, but i would like to kinda get back to the start of this thread and ask this question maybee some lawdog out there can answer it. i have heard that you can`t sue an indian on the reservation, cause it`s a soverign nation, if this is true then how in the hell can illegal`s sue us?
Most construction jobs here are done by whites. The mexicans do more land scaping and the dirtier processing work. I have mex friends both legal and illegal. Wonderful respectful folks. It's the ones who were born here that are the pains in the ass.
strange,how differant it is up north than down south alot of the american`s that i know of mexican heritage hate illegal`s as much as i do , some have waited year`s to get their citizenship and are dam proud of it!then they see this new crop who come in untouched and want all of the benefit`s, and they wonder why did i do it legaly and these other`s don`t? it`s like someone cutting in line ahead of you.
i just heard today on our local new`s that now another group of illegal`s is going to sue the U.S. gov`t this would be the wet`s that died in texas in the back of that truck last week, and their claim is that our immigration policy is to blame for the 19 people that died from suffication!
the cop`s phx. pd.[not i.n.s.] just rounded up about 50 more illegal`s held hostage by their smuggler`s at 19 ave. and dunlap in phx. thing`s are much differant down here in az. you guy`s in the northern states wouldn`t believe how much of this crap goes on, i wonder if even us local`s see the half of it! according to some cop`s i know the new`s only report`s about 20% of the crime`s involving illegal`s.
I'll bet more of those aliens are headed for Oregon to get an education. Here's an interesting storey about illegal aliens getting discounts on college tuition.

Despite worst budget crisis in decades, Oregon Legislature Mulls Subsidizing Tuition for Illegal Aliens ... A bill pending in the Oregon Legislature would allow illegal aliens them to pay in-state tuition under some circumstances. The bill has passed the Senate and seems to have a chance of approval by the Republican-controlled House. Supported by many Democrats and Republicans, it is recognition of the growing importance of Oregon's Hispanic voting bloc. "Republicans and Democrats are trying to get the Latino community to support their parties,” said one political analyst. California, New York, Texas and Utah have passed bills that let illegal immigrants pay in-state tuition and at least 18 other states are considering similar proposals. The Urban Institute, a Washington D.C.-based economic and social policy research group, estimates that nationally there are between 50,000 and 65,000 college-bound high school graduates who are undocumented. Under a provision of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, states can't offer in-state tuition to illegal residents unless they also offer it to all legal residents, regardless of what state they come from. California, Texas, New York and Utah have gotten around the law by basing their in-state tuition policies for undocumented students on whether they graduated from an in-state school after a certain number of years' attendance, instead of on traditional resident requirements. But anti-immigration groups are preparing lawsuits in California, claiming that the immigration act has been violated. – Seattle Post Intellegencer, May 3, 2003
Boy this topic is the bomb.
When I was a kid I lived on a farm. We had some line movers that were wet. These guys were good men. These guys were outstanding workers. They came in worked, they didn't drive and they took their money home. We trusted them!
Here in Idaho, the area I am in, illegal`s and some legals are killing people at a alarming rate. Mexicans are the worst drivers in the world. They are always drunk, and packed in a shitty little car. They drive too fast and they run stop signs.
Every week I watch the arrest reports and mexicans are the bulk of what are being busted. Legal or not the whole bunch need deported. They come in from working in 5000 and 10000 cow dairys. They are covered in cow shit and walk into restaurants and stores. They stink and their cloths are covered in shit.
Their yards look like crap because they have no pride in their property. They dump garbage in the desert because they don't want to pay 5 bucks to take it to the dump.
Our very own Larry Craig is now wanting to help illegal`s go to collage. When is this going to stop? NEVER! They are never going to stop. Who ever heard of a mexican equivalent of Bill Gates? How about a mexican rocket scientist? Hell I would like to see one read, and stop at a stop sign.
Two years ago I was almost hit on christmas eve. A Mex in a car ran a stop sign and almost hit me. I wanted to kill him dead. Later the next day I found out he hit a friend of mine. His daughters spent a month is ICU. He was off work for two months. The spick was killed but he didn't have insurance. I can't stand to look at them.
Now the company I work for is probably going to move to south america. NAFTA is a load of shit. We beat the Germans, Japs, The english and others. It will be the Beasy Greeners that take down the greatest country in the world. Damn they suck! Ron
idaho ron I FEEL YOUR PAIN! trust me no one hates illegal`s more than i do! but ron you [in my opinion] should not make so many racist type comment`s for the most part your`e right. the crime, welfare,etc. that come with illegal immigration will destroy this country if allowed to go unchecked! but you can`t deport someone that is legal [just because they are mexican] the main focus here is ILLEGAL! a lot of them are from guatamala,cuba,and various other countries, yes it`s true MOST of the illegal`s are from mexico, and i agree NAFTA SUCK~S ! but i have some friend`s who are of mexican heritage and none of them speak spanish, they are hard working good people and the hate illegal`s too! and it`s funny when they say to another damn mexican [when a crime is on the new`s] hello flytier now isn`t it disgusting that all of these state`s think more of an illegal that has committed a FELONY! than they do of our own kid`s! it`s all of this bullshit, that makes me take a hardcore stance on the illegal`s, the more that die in the desert, or in the back of an eighteen wheeler the better, since our gov`t is doing very little to stop it, then i hope for all of the bad thing`s that can happen to them does happen! so if you see an illegal water station, piss in it! put crap in it ! destroy it! you will be doing what our gov`t isn`t doing, and that`s slowing down illegal immigration.
My comment was on legal aliens, not US citizens. I said that kind of wrong before. If a legal alien is here and does not live by our laws they should be deported legal or not. I should say yes I am a bigot. I don't like them. twenty years ago they were different and I was different. A lot of them were honest and hard working. Now they want handouts and they kill people with their shitty cars.
Just tonight I was passed by a beaner in a shitty van. We were going up hill with two yellow lines. He didn't have the power to pass so I had to slow down so my family wouldn't die. Yes, I wear the badge of a bigot.
hey ron i understand, 20-30 year`s ago i was a differant person too! i used to work with many good hard working mexican laborers, who would come up here to work, and then take the money back home to thier family`s, but what is happening today is an out and out invasion, and the cost in medical[free], welfare , gang`s , car insuranceetc. is staggering! yet our gov`t ignores the problem, and ron i do thank you for your honesty, here is a web site that might help get some gov`t att. WWW.CONSERVATIVEPETITIONS.COM if we get enough people on these thing`s maybee they will start listening. [/LIST] TOM TANCREDO FOR PRESIDENT!
well just another day in the big city! 40 more illegal`s rounded up in glendale az, how they fit 40 of them in a 12x 60 trailer is beyond me, now i have a cousin in houston texas who say`s that their illegal problem is twice as bad as our`s. if that is the case then i predict it won`t be long before they muck up idaho and the rest of the west, cause i`ve seen what has happend in california, vegas, tucson etc. and on another pro hispanic deal our BULL DYCKE governor just appointed 18 hispanic`s to TOP level state job`s [that`s a total of 40 so far in 6 month`s] she promised she would and at least she has stayed bought! funny not much was mentiioned about credential`s other than they speak spanish!
they just said the murder rate in the phx.metro area is up a whopping 67% from last year! and law enforcment official`s actualy said that it was primarily due to the smuggling of drug`s and illegal`s from mexico! wow do ya think .

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