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Idaho Weiser River Elk Hunting Questions


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Caldwellalajara, ID
Hi all. I grew up elk hunting up north, Units 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10. I know those areas well, but now that I'm living in Boise, I decided to hunt closer to home. I've got a group of friends coming in for elk rifle season, and we decided to stick to the Weiser River unit (GMU 22, 32, and 32A.) I've done some e-scouting, and some on foot scouting, but having never hunted the area, would be nice to bounce some questions off someone that knows the area better than I do.

Anybody willing to answer specific questions in a not-public kind of way? I'm not looking for your honey-holes, or even want to know where you hunt, just want to bounce my plan off you for an objective opinion.
I'll be doing the same 8-18 November. I would be interested in finding out whatever you come across as well. Off grid and as far off the road is what I'm looking for.
I don't know enough about the unit to give you feedback on your plan. I have a few friends who hunt it. I think the main thing for rifle is trying to find out where the pressure is and isn't at. There's plenty of elk in the unit, not a lot of trophies but a lot of elk, and also lots of people and roads. Gotta find where the elk are and people aren't. I think it will take a few times of just going and checking out the area to find out. I don't think there are many parts of the zone that would be bad. You just have to watch out for private property in some areas.
This is true..found a couple spots I marked that are off from the roads, however there are still atv/hiking trails everywhere. Figure I'll put some distance in on a trail and drop off. Go from there. I'm not looking for a trophy, just looking for a meat cow.
This is true..found a couple spots I marked that are off from the roads, however there are still atv/hiking trails everywhere. Figure I'll put some distance in on a trail and drop off. Go from there. I'm not looking for a trophy, just looking for a meat cow.

I'm with ya. I don't mind putting in the footwork (measured in miles) but all the ATV trails make it difficult to get away from the crowd. Guess I'll stick with my plan of putting on my big boy underoos and going where other may not be willing to.
I recently moved to Boise and am researching this unit as well. I learned elk hunting in SW Montana and the eastern edge of the unit seems familiar topographically. I haven't had much of a chance to do much scouting in person and plan to start taking some weekend drives up there to get familiar with the landscape.
I have hunted this area for years but I like to bounce around the state to learn more country. I can and will say that alot of the pressure comes from the west mountain side to the westward direction towards into Council. The unit 22 section of that zone (preferrably northern/NW part) I'd say would be your best bet if you are wanting to get away from the crowds as it is much steeper and thicker country that tends to deter the road hunters and weekend warriors. Also it has the advantage of being closer to the hells canyon area that is historic for good elk herds, big bulls and great hunts. OnX will be a great asset for you as well to hunt around any possible private land scattered thoughout. Good luck. Hope this helps point you in a direction.
You can send me a PM with what questions you have. Also almost all ATV trails are closed/Gated Sept. 30 Midnight.
Hello Duck-Slayer
I’m a newbie, but a very avid hunter, spent 20 years hunting elk in Colorado. My son, nephew and myself are planning a diy elk hunt in September. We chose GMU 10. Would you have any current info. I did talk to a Biologist in clear water that gave me some info. Any info would help. THX
Got a DAV tag last year. Was my first elk hunt. It didn’t go as planned needless to say. There were fresh elk tracks near me, but at the same time, there was a foot of snow on the ground at 10k foot.
I have hunted this area for years but I like to bounce around the state to learn more country. I can and will say that alot of the pressure comes from the west mountain side to the westward direction towards into Council. The unit 22 section of that zone (preferrably northern/NW part) I'd say would be your best bet if you are wanting to get away from the crowds as it is much steeper and thicker country that tends to deter the road hunters and weekend warriors. Also it has the advantage of being closer to the hells canyon area that is historic for good elk herds, big bulls and great hunts. OnX will be a great asset for you as well to hunt around any possible private land scattered thoughout. Good luck. Hope this helps point you in a direction.
thanks for the info
Hi all. I grew up elk hunting up north, Units 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10. I know those areas well, but now that I'm living in Boise, I decided to hunt closer to home. I've got a group of friends coming in for elk rifle season, and we decided to stick to the Weiser River unit (GMU 22, 32, and 32A.) I've done some e-scouting, and some on foot scouting, but having never hunted the area, would be nice to bounce some questions off someone that knows the area better than I do.

Anybody willing to answer specific questions in a not-public kind of way? I'm not looking for your honey-holes, or even want to know where you hunt, just want to bounce my plan off you for an objective opinion.

Welcome to HT. 🤣
But hey, if you get an OTC NR tag next month for this unit let me know - I'll share waypoints where we found 0 elk. But lots and lots of dudes on SxS, off the trails even.

@LiveFreeOrDie22 ain't wrong.
When I was in Idaho I hiked for 3 hours in the dark up this steep bald knob. I didn’t see any trails on it the day before. I reached the top about daylight and a SxS roared past me to the place I was trying to go. I was a tad upset.
When I was in Idaho I hiked for 3 hours in the dark up this steep bald knob. I didn’t see any trails on it the day before. I reached the top about daylight and a SxS roared past me to the place I was trying to go. I was a tad upset.

What's worse is F&G allows people to run their dogs on bears during archery season. So imagine hiking up that same ridge for 3 hours just to hear a pack of dogs chasing a bear up the bottom. That's what ultimately ran me out of that unit.
You two got me all mentally riled up this morning about the SxS’s. The spot I like to hunt here in MT looked like Mario Cart come to life this past weekend. Think they’ve beaten me out of there finally.
Jumped a nice herd of 18 cows on opening day and had a a few young bulls trailing. I shi.t you not as we are freezing them with the cow calls and I’m getting set up prone these stupid SxS’s start ripping down these roads at dawn. Herd spooked and went over the ridge and out of the valley.

I stopped one and told them to piss off and they just give you this blank look.

No elk sign or visuals for the next 3 days after this.

It’s frustrating as you work your ass off walking up and down trails for miles while freezing your ass off up top camping only to get overtaken with boomers in their heated razors with too much time and money on their hands ripping up and down the roads all season.

Many were driving off roads as well. I think I’m going to alert fish and game because it’s getting ridiculous. I will never hunt Weiser River again.

I have work to get back to and was thinking about trying Unit 32 for evening hunts up by squaw butte until season ends but have heard there is not much elk that way unless one of y’all know differently.
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