I think I may Have Turkey fever

Feb 25, 2007
Do any of you know the the symptoms.:confused: Is there any treatment for it.Or beter yet is there a prevention I need to know.My X says she hopes that it is Fatal:eek: I still dont know what she meant by that.
Ok all the BS aside I am counting the days and will take my time and look for a nice tom No jakes for me.Hope all of you have a great and safe hunting season.
And lets see some pictures.
BV the only cure I know is opening morning and a big tom strutting 20 yards out,
I'm wondering if the boys on this forum even get into turkey hunting. This is the only forum I visit which is quite with Toms already talking in the morning I'm gearing up for OK and S.C. and maybe Ky and Va for birds. I drought I'll even get a chance t hunt my own areas at home this year.
Nothing wrong with taking a jake

There in nothing wrong with taking a jake.I have harvested a jake or two but when you can fool an older tom and take him a jake is just a jake.Now the draw back to passing up a jake and going after an older tom is I have gone home with no bird at all.:mad: But the killing of a tom is not all I hunt for. I live for the chance to fool him into thinking that I am the hen of his dreams.:eek: But that is just I.And to harvest a tom with 8-inch beard and with 1-inch spurs that may not be the biggest tom in the woods but it comes real close.:D
Keep a big tree to your back and the sun in his eyes.
Folks with no turkey hunting here in New Brunswick Canada and it being a dream hunt for me. I am so jelous of you all. Good luck take care and TAKE PICS. That is the only way I can afford them right now but there will come a day.
This is my 1st bird, 10.5" beard and 1 3/8s spurs 19 pounds.
hen I came home from the hunt in S.C. I went out on my own and shot a Jake with a 5" beard. Man I was stoked ! Where I live outside of DC the birds rarely talk. he Jake came running past me and attacked the decoy Jake I put out. After sitting for a few hours and not hearing a bird and then all of a sudden one runs past me. Ill take what presents it's self for now.
I'm off the Oklahoma on the 12th for a 3 day hunt. I can hardly wait to see what kind of action 'll be into out their.

Congrats on your 1st tom.Looks like you have a great start to turkey season. Good luck on your Oklahoma hunt.
Just kinda curious what state you shot that jake in??
I believe the Va. season starts on the 14th, and Md. season on the 18th.
Am I off on the Va. date or what??? :confused:
Sorry, guys, My 1st bird was taken 2 years ago in S.C. and the Jake was taken a week afer I returned from that hunt. Last year I came up empty.

But I am pumped for OKlahoma trip in the morning.

Backrub, I shot the jake in Poolsville. I hope to take a bird their again this coming Monday.
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