I Suck !!!!!


New member
Jan 31, 2001
medina, new york
Well, our turkey opened up on may 1st. i got my first chance to go out this morning. I am not to serious about turkey hunting, i have never got one, a few shots but nothing for the gamebag.

anyways, i bought a new call the other day to go along with my other ones. woke up this morning, got to the woods at day break and while i was standing there taking a pee, 3 of them started going off in the trees 100-150 yrds away from me. i got done, went into the woods, set up and started calling. they were going nuts. 20 min. later i see the white head, he stopped in the lane way full strut, gobblin like hell. and all i needed to do was give him a couple of clucks. my slate got damp i think cause it wouldn't work. and all my other calls were safe and sound in my vest. well i took a long shot at him and missed. :BLEEP: :BLEEP: |oo :BLEEP: |oo

I suck!!!!!!
So do we want to ask HOW your slate got damp.? ;) Sorry bro, everyone was thinking it. :D You'll get 'em next time.
Keep at 'em, Elkfarmer... Patience...Don't try to make things happen, but let them develop...The first one's the toughest...

I'm no expert, but I've got 30 year's experience and a few gobblers under my belt , in fact I killed a nice 2 year old ( 9 inch beard) just this morning...

I'd be glad to offer my opinion on setups, calling, or whatever, anytime you're interested...I could even come up since I live only a couple of hours from you, and offer suggestions on how and where to kill your birds...
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