I Caught the Biggest Fish Today


New member
Aug 10, 2002
until some guy fishing right beside me landed one about 10 lbs bigger. My fish weighed about 40 lbs, his 50.

Here is mine. A little blush, but not bad...unless you ask Homer Dave and then he would only comment by saying it is a colorful fish ;)


Here is a fish Gary landed and released. He ended up catching only one more, a hen, and kept it for the roe. It was a little smaller than this fish.


Off we go again tomorrow. I have one fish left to tag.

How goes it? Yeppers...these guys were off the bank. I caught two last weekend that came from a boat.

How is L.R. these days? I was stationed there for almost 4 years. Most of my family and all of my in-laws live in spitting distance from there. In fact, my 6 year old daughter is visiting her grandparents right now who live in Morrilton.
It is a small world. I have been looking at your pics everyday, and they are awesome. i have done quite a bit of Steelhead fishing in the past and thought that was really something, but I've never had a chance to go for those big kings.

I have lived here for several years now and its starting to grow on me. LR is really a pretty good place to live if you can't live in the NW.

Things here are good, and as much as I hate to admit it, that clinton Lie-brary is really helping the local economy. The growth downtown is phenominal with even talk of a bass pro down on the river,and a new staduim for the travelers down town as well.

Keep the photos and and stories comiing. I doubt I'll ever get to go for kings in alaska, so its great to see someone having such great luck, off the bank to boot.
hey ovis,
it's just a little blush . sometimes those big kings are a little shy.
the other thing i might say is " he sure will be good smoked". :D :D
I might just have to do that homerdave, but not cause the meat is mushy, but because I have more salmon than I know what to do with now. I have my 4 kings, plus 2 a buddy gave me...it's what I wanted though, alotta meat. Might go play around at Ship Creek one last time tomorrow before I get back on the plane.
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