Caribou Gear Tarp

Hunting Salmon Idaho

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
I really want to hunt near My grandparents.... When WH went to visit we picked up the Hunting Regulations book for 2004. He said he does not know much about that area, Can anyone tell me if there is any good Deer or Elk Hunting in that area and if so what Unit????? hump

Thanks hump
Elkgunner, that's ok. She really doesn't care if the hunting is good. She's just wanting an excuse to visit her grandparents. She also says she wants to take her grandpa hunting with us, and he's not a hunter. I said you know hunting in Idaho requires hiking, and there is no flat ground, you're either going up, down, or sidehill. She seems to think Grandpa can keep up with me, and he's in his 70's so I have my doubts. Anyway, I'll check out the fish and game web site. I know all the info is on there. I'm going to check into the cow elk opportunities. I'm thinking we'd have more chance of success with that, rather than trying to find a big mule deer, because I won't shoot a dink, and I won't let her either, not for the price on a non-resident tag.
I hunted Northern Idaho a few years back with Hunterman. We had either sex tags for deer and elk, we came home with 1 cow elk. WE never saw a deer and we only saw about 10 elk the entire time we were there. But good luck.
Quick Draw

There are some good cow tags up that way, and there are some easy to draw antelope tags up there. You might consider that for Gramps.
WH's OutdoorsChick said:
You have to know my "Gramps", He is excellent shape and can do as much as we can as far as hiking.... I just want him to go , that's all....

OutdoorsChick said:
You have to know my "Gramps", He is excellent shape and can do as much as we can as far as hiking.... I just want him to go , that's all....
No............. I don't have to know "Gramps". WashHunter does...... I don't... :D

Check this out....
the Equal sign and an upper case W is the French guy, like this =W

So when you quote WH's outdoor chick, the Quote function picks up the Quote=variable, where the varible is the previous poster's name. In this case, WH's Outdoor Chick. So the Quote=WH's Outdoor Chick ends up with a French Guy at the start..... =W
I'm surprise you haven't had more help. I havn't hunted the Salmon area much but here's some info that might help you out. The controlled hunts in that area are going to give you the best chance at a decent bull or buck. If you are just looking for some meat the cow hunts are your best option.
If you couldn't find some of the stuff you were looking for on the F&G website here's a couple links that should help you out.
Wow thanks Brian

I know WH has been researching some controlled hunts in Idaho and he is very intested in a Cow elk one.

I mostly want to go for the experience.... We are going to hunt Washington also! I know there are a ton of Does in the Salmon Area, but bulls prob not so much down low......
Damn I never notticed that, its easy to fix just take that varible out for the french guy and put another pic in there LOL

seriously I will look into that

good spot but be on the look out.. that area is full of wolves, there are documented cases of wolves attempting to attack hunters while using their elk bugles...that web site has some cases like that in it.
Ghost, I cant figure that link out, but I'd have to say the "attacks" are BS. They may be investigating the bugle, but they aren't there to attack a bowhunter. JMO I guess.

WH chick, Salmon and all around there is Awesome. The hunting isnt the Best, but its fun cause the country is so beautiful. Deer and elk can be had, and WH, there are some pretty darn good bucks in that country, though they are spread a little thin.

Good Luck Guys,


I read an article where a hunter had to shoot a wolf after his wife called in a wolf with her elk bugle. she stood up and started yelling at the wolf and it still came after her.. luckily her husband was a great shot. after reading this i went online and found more cases of this even with hunters trying to call in coyotes in central idaho where wolves are the thickest in populations.
Sage I think your reading the wrong things here. They have wolf killing sheep or cattle and are near farms and its in the local papers all over the state. I have yet to read any articles of any alleged wolf attacks. As this would of been on front page of the paper. So I think the info you have received is wrong.
Well isn't Salmon where they started releasing the wolves back in the area....

I have spent a lot of time up there years ago and still visit from time to time and I have never seen a wolf! I know they are out there but grandpa has not told me of any attacks, and the wolves are something we have talked about from time to time!

We can do a lil more research, thanks for the heads up!
ON US fish and wildlife website for the western grey wolf.

Horn Seeker said:
Ghost, I cant figure that link out, but I'd have to say the "attacks" are BS. They may be investigating the bugle, but they aren't there to attack a bowhunter. JMO I guess.

WH chick, Salmon and all around there is Awesome. The hunting isnt the Best, but its fun cause the country is so beautiful. Deer and elk can be had, and WH, there are some pretty darn good bucks in that country, though they are spread a little thin.

Good Luck Guys,


NEWS ARTICLE- A man’s evening jog became a struggle for his life in northern Saskatchewan when a timber wolf lunged at his head and repeatedly sank its teeth into him. But Fred Desjarlais, 55, was able to fight off several attacks by the large predator and then wrestled it into submission long enough for a busload of co-workers to arrive and scare the beast away. "I don't know what came over me or how I did it," Desjarlais said from his Saskatoon home where he was recuperating. "All I know is I had his head and I wasn't letting go until someone came to help me." Desjarlais works for Cameco Corp.'s uranium milling facility in Key Lake, about 640 km north of Saskatoon. He had just finished his shift at 7 p.m. New Year's Eve, and decided to jog the 3 km back to camp instead of catching the shuttle bus, when he was attacked. At one point, he and the wolf were face to face as the beast reared on its hind legs and looked down at him, he said. "He had a big mouth and a big head," Desjarlais recalled. "It was a bad attack -- it bit him twice really badly -- but Fred's a remarkable man and very heroic," said Kimm Barker, Cameco's Key Lake safety officer. "It wasn't a very smart wolf because of all the people it could have picked, it chose one of the strongest." "He was taunting me, (walking) in a circle around me. I looked around real quick and thought, 'I hope he's alone,' " Desjarlais said. Co-workers returning to camp on the bus spotted the pair. The wolf that attacked Desjarlais was found the next day. It was shot and killed and sent to a lab for testing. [Bangs’ note after talking with local Canadian biologists- The wolf [which was assumed to have attacked the man] was not rabid and was in good condition. It attacked the man about 300m from camp and at least one bite broke the skin and required stitches. The local wolf pack feeds at the camp dump and stays in that immediate area. Apparently both wolves and black bears routinely feed at the mine’s garbage dump. The camp is working with local biologists to rectify the garbage/wildlife problem. The garbage-fed black bears are very bold and routinely come into the camp area but no one has been injured by them yet. This wolf attack appears to be another case of a healthy wild wolf losing its fear of people through food habituation and then attacking a person. This is a good reminder that healthy wild wolves have attacked people in N. America, and although no one has been killed yet- it could certainly happen. Wild wolves need to be kept wild and be respected just as any other wild animal should be

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