Hunting Clubs?


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Bozeman, Montana
Alright you Eastern Dudes :D enlighten me on what a hunt club is? I have seen people mention these and seen ads but can't figure out what they really are.
I'm assuming they are like paying a trespass fee to hunt some ground?:confused:
Eastern Dudes? I hope you mean eastern US and not eastern MT:)
A lot of private land is owned by timber, coal and gas companies. They will lease the land for a couple of dollars an acre. You form a club and members pay dues to cover the cost of the lease and the liability insurance the companies want you to carry. Pretty simple really.
Let me add too WV. These are good to a extent. Some do work in conservation mode, and some just do it to limit hunters to access.

I don't really like the way westvaco has done it. At one time you could buy a permission card for around $5 and hunt on any of their property as long as the hunting rights wasn't leased. Now they won't even think about it unless you are leasing. IMO its a money thing for some companys just to pay their taxes and put liability onto another person or club.

WV we need to show dink how us "tenderffoots" can get thru these laurel,rock,clear cut,can't whip a rabbit thru areas are like lol
Let me add too WV. These are good to a extent. Some do work in conservation mode, and some just do it to limit hunters to access.

I don't really like the way westvaco has done it. At one time you could buy a permission card for around $5 and hunt on any of their property as long as the hunting rights wasn't leased. Now they won't even think about it unless you are leasing. IMO its a money thing for some companys just to pay their taxes and put liability onto another person or club.

WV we need to show dink how us "tenderffoots" can get thru these laurel,rock,clear cut,can't whip a rabbit thru areas are like lol

I remember the old Westvaco $5 cards.

Thick, steep and nasty and very easy to get turned around in.
WV we need to show dink how us "tenderffoots" can get thru these laurel,rock,clear cut,can't whip a rabbit thru areas are like lol

You mean those laurel and rhododendron thickets where you have to look straight up to see daylight and that on a ridge so steep you have to pull yourself along from shrub to tree to shrub?
Thanks alot Dink. I wasn't trying to start a pissing match;)

Thanks Eastern Dudes for the explanation. I bet it can be challenging to find public lands in people dense areas. I don't blame you for finding ways to get your fix. Us western dudes do the same from time to time. Usually through trading something like work or something.

Jcs aren't you from three forks? If so you are ok. Still west of me;):D Oh wait that makes me an Easterner.
LB your not starting a pissing match lol just a little humor lol

Seriously though some of the areas are nasty. But that's what were used too. I can get thru these mountains a lot easier then the flatlands. It's just what your body and mind are accustomed to.
I bet it can be challenging to find public lands in people dense areas. I don't blame you for finding ways to get your fix.

I grew up hunting national forest in Virginia. I see 10x the trucks on forest roads in Montana than I did back home. There's plenty of public land to hunt in the mountains. Not much once you're east of the mountains. However, I never had a problem getting permission to hunt private land. Nearly every farmer I talked to let hunt. I don't see the need to join a club unless you want a place for youself and a bunch of buddies.
Thanks alot Dink. I wasn't trying to start a pissing match;)

Thanks Eastern Dudes for the explanation. I bet it can be challenging to find public lands in people dense areas. .

Exactly, you guys living in places like MT or WY forgot the reality of how populated other states are. That makes for some really insane public land pressure. (and private for that matter) Hell, i think the opeing deer hunt in WI had just shy of half a million hunter out there! But I was safe in MT for it, except for those big brown snakes Greenhorn likes to put by my rental car's door :D
Eastern Dudes?

Here in Northern NY we have alot of hunting clubs. Some on private land and others on land leased from large timber companies. Most of the clubs have alot of tradition and generations of families involved. The land is thick and the game sparse. In most of the areas we hunt a 150 yard shot would be quite long. On the other hand you might go the entire season and only see one or two bucks, and compared to most of the animals on here they would not be much to brag about. Many times the hunting is done by "drives". The camps are quite often old and have been added onto over the years, alot of card playing and drinking at night. One thing that is not allowed are "dudes". :W:
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