Kenetrek Boots

Hudson, OH Mayor States: Ice Fishing Leads to Prostitution - Yes He Did!

What???!! I grew up just North of Hudson. It’s got Dave’s Cosmic subs and parades on the holidays. Here’s a real problem that Hudson has allowed forever: fireworks sales. Everyone knows that you drive to Hudson to get some illegal (by OH statute) fireworks for the 4th. It’s ridiculous, goes like this: select all your rockets, mortars, wolf packs and such. Show the guy your ID and then fill out a form where you lie and say you’re buying these fireworks to take to some random location out of state. Then you go back to your OH home, have bottle rocket shoot-outs, launch crazy loud booms, apologize to the responding police and claim you have no more fireworks. Repeat.

we have an update!!! the sheriff disagrees with the mayor!
It’s obvious that the Sherriff is an ice fisher and he had to cover his rear when his wife started asking questions. Deny, deny, deny.
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