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Oh this is for legal use.

If all goes well.....we will be nighttime snipers on deer damage permits.

SA-WEET! For jacks and coon we usually had one guy hold a portable spotlight and the other guy shoot. Open sights are very hard to use because it's difficult to see the front bead.
Here is a set up for that, mounts right on your scope. Has a rechargable battery pack.

GL-50M4 - NightBlaster� Series Varmint Light Kit -Powerful XENON 350-yard beam. Includes rechargeable 6-volt battery with nylon carrying case, 110-volt charger, red flip-up varmint lens, beam adjustment knob and stock-mounted switch. Advantage� HD� Max4� Camo. Fits 25mm (1") diameter scopes.


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I have lots of experience with this and you need a buddy to hold the spotlight. I have used every thinkable option for mounting a light on a scope and none have worked very well. Yes some work a litte but a buddy holding a portable spotlight can't be beat. HAPPY HUNTING
We have used spot lights and rifles with scopes a lot for pigs. Like the others said, one person needs to hold the light and another person shoots. The lights that mount on your scope will get knockd loose and they just dont hold up to the recoil of the rifle. I tried one on my 270 and it was jarred loose every time I shot.
I';m no help for legal use.... But offseason, I have some tips ;)

Just kidding. I have never used a spotlight but hear they use them for Coyote's around here. I think the tint has to be red or something like that. At any rate, share some pictures when you figure it out !!
I have lots of experience with that on hogs. That 350 night blaster works pretty far, but not 350. Bring the light down from above, even turn it off if you can after you're sure of your target, so they don't run. That works pretty good on a good moonlight night. There's cheap lights for like $40 but they're more like 50 yards of light. You can even tape a flashlight to a shotgun, but its like a bow shot distance then. Red lens or red celaphane is better than white because it spooks the animals less.
Piece of cake. Do it coon hunting and varmit hunting all the time.
Just have your buddy stand close beside you and hold the light. So long as the light isn't hitting the backside of your scope, no problem.
You can see extremely well through a scope like this.

And I'll second the idea that that scope mounted rig is a piece of crap.
you dont need a light.
good optics and a bit of moon light is all ya need.
I forgot about using red lens.;)

I probably will end up being the spotlight holder while the 2 oldest sons do most of the shooting if the state approves us. The orchard owner got permits for 20 deer to be taken. :eek:
20 deer is all? I would just use dynamite. Or poison the fruit from the orchard. Much more humane than a group of drunken spotlighters.

Seriously though.... why do you have to shoot them at night? Why don't you just shoot them during the day?
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