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Here's why no species should go extinct!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"Lizard Spit Drug Controls Diabetes, Cuts Weight"

Who knows what medical science will discover someday from any species? For those of you so feeble minded you can't understand why we have to insure that every species continues to thrive, please read this and then explain why we should let some species die out!

"Exenatide, an experimental diabetes drug derived from lizard saliva, not only controls patients' blood sugar levels but also cuts their weight, its developers said on Monday.

Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc and Eli Lilly and Co released new study findings on the efficacy of exenatide at the 18th Congress of the International Diabetes Federation in Paris.

The drug, derived from the saliva of a lizard known as the Gila monster, is the first in a new class of therapies for type 2, or adult-onset, diabetes and is on track to be submitted for approval by regulators in 2004. ..............."

For those of you who think Sheriff Mike is some kinda genius, please tell us what he'd say about putting lizards on the Endangered Species list.
Isn't type 2 adult onset diabetes cause by being a fat assed atv rider. Ithaca, why should you care if there is a cure for this problem that is derived from some animal. The solution is simple, don't be a fat ass.

It can't be from being a fat assed ATV rider or I would have had it long ago
. A guy in my office (and regular fishing partner)has it bad and he's never riden a ATV in his life, as a matter of fact he was a Hot Shot smoke jumper when it came on and in good shape and all. It doesn't matter how good of shape your in, you can get. It can bite you in the ass.

Now who the hell is sheriff Mike?

Nurse sharks may help detect—and treat—anthrax and other infectious diseases.
At the National Aquarium in Baltimore, a team of researchers is working with a pair of 4-foot-long nurse sharks to investigate how the creatures' immune system responds to the anthrax bacterium.

In nature, antibodies are the best defense against disease: these proteins, produced by immune cells, recognize invading bacteria and viruses and grab on, in effect, target them for destruction.

Nurse shark antibodies turn out to be not only sensitive but also hardy enough for quick transport to a battlefield or the site of a bio-terrorist attack.

"Most vaccines and diagnostics need refrigeration, and it just isn't that practical to carry around a fridge in the middle of Iraq," says Les Baillie, a microbiologist and head of bio-defense vaccines for the Navy at the Naval Medical Research Center in Silver Springs, Maryland.

Baillie was formerly the principal scientist for anthrax research at the Defense Science and Technologies Laboratory at Porton Down in Great Britain. He engineered anthrax proteins for a new anthrax vaccine that is now undergoing Phase one trials in the United States.

"There is a critical need for diagnostics for Class A agents, as we call them: things like anthrax, tularemia, plague and smallpox," says Brad Smith, a microbiologist and a fellow at the Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies in Baltimore, Maryland. "In an attack, resources are limited and people on the front lines need to make quick decisions—who is sick, who isn't."

Shark Antibodies and Bio-defense

No rapid diagnostics for Class A agents have met FDA approval. A measure of the need is that the National Institutes of Health bio-defense research and development budget this year is $1.7 billion.

Baillie came upon the idea of shark antibodies as anthrax detectors when he met researchers nearby at the University of Maryland: immunologist Martin Flajnik, a specialist in shark and amphibian immune systems, and Helen Dooley, an antibody engineer who had developed antibodies to detect environmental pollutants.

Flajnik had discovered a new type of antibody—called IgNAR—in the nurse shark. IgNAR is simpler and tougher than mammalian antibodies, making it an attractive candidate for producing in the lab.

Sharks are the oldest living animals that have what scientists call an adaptive immune system.

"This is the earliest version of the human immune system," says Flajnik. Sharks and humans share immune-system components like B cells—which manufacture antibodies—and T-cells.

Baillie wondered whether sharks exposed to anthrax would produce robust anthrax-fighting antibodies. He provided Flajnik and Dooley with anthrax proteins—which alone cannot cause disease—from his research in Great Britain.

Flajnik and Dooley used the proteins to immunize two nurse sharks—a delicate procedure. Aquarium handlers in wet suits remove the sharks from their home tank and place them in a smaller one laced with anesthetic, which calms them. Then they are loaded onto a trolley for their injection—under their skin near the fin.

Immunizing Sharks

"It's the equivalent to giving a TB shot in the arm," Dooley says. The sharks received booster shots at one-month intervals for the next three months.

Dooley and Flajnik took monthly blood samples from the sharks and found that with each successive booster the quantity of antibodies in the sharks' blood rose.

Back in the lab, the serum collected from shark blood reacts with the anthrax proteins to produce a bright yellow color.

"Ultimately, with this antibody you could see within a minute whether anthrax was present," Flajnik says.

The researchers have isolated the antibody that binds tightest to the anthrax protein and thus has the greatest potential for both diagnosis and treatment. They are currently determining its genetic sequence, which will help reveal how to mass-produce the antibody.

One day the antibody might even serve as a treatment for humans exposed to anthrax.

"The shark does all the hard work," Flajnik says. "It makes all these very specific, sturdy antibodies and all we have to do is analyze and use them."
"For those of you so feeble minded you can't understand why we have to insure that every species continues to thrive, please read this and then explain why we should let some species die out!"

It's not that some people are so feeble minded to think it's OK for a species die out.
It could be that some of those "feeble minded" people think there are group's out there that take it a little too far .

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-26-2003 18:32: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>

{"Does all the foregoing mean that Wild Earth and The Wildlands Project advocate the end of industrialized civilization? Most assuredly. Everything civilized must go..."

--John Davis, editor of
Wild Earth magazine"}

"Allow for little or no human use."

Could it be that some people don't understand where this could take us ,because they are so intrested in feeling all warm & fuzzy inside and patting thereself on the back that they themself's don't even know how much they are playing into the hand's of the wacko-group's?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-26-2003 18:42: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> {"Does all the foregoing mean that Wild Earth and The Wildlands Project advocate the end of industrialized civilization? Most assuredly. Everything civilized must go..."

--John Davis, editor of
Wild Earth magazine"}

"Allow for little or no human use."
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Not possible, except with a nuclear halocaust. It's like trying to live like Jesus, you can try your damndest, but in the end it still won't happen.
1Poninter,I agree but the fact remain's that these people are out there and they are moving forward.
Is this what we really want? Should we not be aware of these org. and what they are working toward's?
How will the hunter fit into this plan?
[" One of the most startling aspects of deep ecologist’s thinking is just how far they are willing to go in order to create a biocentric society. George Sessions, one of the leading US deep ecologist, (and a Wild Earth editorial advisor) writes: ]
["Humanity must drastically scale down its industrial activities on Earth, change its consumption lifestyles, stabilize and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems and the remaining wildlife on the planet."]

--Sessions, pg xxi, DE21
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>["Humanity must drastically scale down its industrial activities on Earth, change its consumption lifestyles, stabilize and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems and the remaining wildlife on the planet."]
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You may want to use a different quote as I feel this would be GREAT for hunting. All that quote tells me is that there will be more places and animals to hunt with less competition for the tags. Sounds like a good deal to me. Heck, I LIKE that quote and am trying to do some of that myself.
I don't know Pointer,

I've heard your list of I wants, and I would have to say your just as much of a consumer as the rest of us. I see you choose to ignore Randy's post to you on the Kifaru board. Why don't you give it a shot?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-27-2003 10:48: Message edited by: BigHornyRam ]</font>
I never said that I'm not a consumer, but I have made a conscious decision to be less of one. I also will only have 2 or few children, so as to not contribute to population growth. I am changing my lifestyle, but it is not something that is can be done over night. I'm also working to be part of the solution, see my post in fireside as to my research. I am not perfect, but am making a effort at becoming better.

I missed the question on Kifaru, I'll try to find it.
{"and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems and the remaining wildlife on the planet."]

1Pointer,I agree the qoute sound's good--------but did you stop to think what they mean by "reduce the size of the human popultaion by humane means?????"
I think your idea of population control and conservation might be slightly off when comparing it to some of these group's.

It's a good thing that you have the choice to limit the size of your family----but im not so sure those people that decided to have more then that should have to worry about some nut case greenie deciding we should now reduce the size of there family by "humane means."
I wonder how a person decides what kid to take out? Or what part of the population must go?
Ya think the meat eaters and hunter's might be top's on that list? LOL
If we killed all illegal immigrants why would that be wrong? If they were to become extinct in america it would be a wonderfull thing.
I doubt they are going to be killing anyone, I think you're reading into it too much. I think they are wanting people to intentionally (of free-will) choose to have less children. It's already happening in Europe, where many countries are going through negative population growth, because they aren't having kids, or at least very many. If every couple (or at least one man and one woman) had only two kids, the population of the world would decrease. Because not everyone of those kids would be able to have kids, some would choose not to, and some would not live long enough to have kids. Simple population dynamics.
The comment about reducing the human population kind of freaked me out too. I just was not sure what it really meant.
CJ quote: If we killed all illegal immigrants why would that be wrong? If they were to become extinct in america it would be a wonderfull thing.

Ummm... NO!

You are NOT allowed to kill people with no discretion.

We live in the US...remember that.

You are fugged up dude.
I got confused in this thread. I thought it was a topic on research using animals to find cures for human ailments, and then somehow, MD4ME posted links to some website that has not been updated in 6 years that appears to have been somebody's personal grudge against a former EarthFirst guy.

And then everybody was worried about humans dying (which they ALL do).

But how did we get from using animals (the Gila Monster saliva and the Sharks) to worrying about what some retired EarthFirster puts on his website?

Please don't tell me that this is just paranoia about some vast conspiracy...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-27-2003 22:04: Message edited by: ElkGunner ]</font>
Gunner, "Please don't tell me that this is just paranoia about some vast conspiracy..." Sorry, but that's what it is.
But just because she's paranoid doesn't mean there's not a vast conspiracy going on!
Can't you see it all around you?

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