Help for an international


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
Gday all,

I was originally planning to have already been to the states by now but life gets in the way, buying house, new job, getting married, starting a family etc.

I've told my wife I want to get to the states within the next four or five years so figure i should start building points.

I've looked at it a bit but it's all quite confusing.

I really love mule deer, next would be elk and then lion, bear, wolf and antelope.

I'm a diy hunter here so dont want a guided hunt and dont mind the work of getting away from people. I want to do the same in the states so can anyone recommend states worth building points in?

I'm considering CO for the high number of animals, Idaho because it seems like a reasonable place to pull a good mulie, or MT because it seems like a good all round place.

Don't mind if it's archery rifle or muzzleloader.

Any suggestions or considerations appreciated.

It can definitely be challenging with regulations and systems differing so dramatically by state.

Buying points depends to some extent on your flexibility. If for instance you know you want to hunt Mule deer in 2 years you can 1. Buy an OTC tag in a state like Montana, you won't have access to the best units on an OTC but you will 100% get the tag. 2. You could look at states like CO or WY that use a preference points system and look at the drawing odds, E.G. unit 52 in CO during 2nd season always takes 2pts to draw. Your hunting opportunity might be a little better in a limited unit than an OTC tag.

States like ID, NM, and AK have lottery systems so you would need to be flexible in when you go because you might draw your first time you put or it might take you 5 years.

Mule deer and Elk you can do every year without points in one state or another, to have a reasonable chance at success with a lion you will need to go with an outfitter with dogs, spring is one of the best times to hunt bears (ID, MT, WY, and AK have spring seasons all OTC except for a few units in AK). Not sure the best route for a wolf only hunt, maybe AK? For antelope your best bet is going to be WY preference pts or MT Bonus points as described above.

Are you trying come here multiple times to hunt or just once? Would you want to stay for a few weeks and try for multiple species or hunt for 1 week for one at a time?
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Acquiring preference points for 4 years in WY would open up some solid options for mule deer and would [probably] guarantee you a general elk tag.
Thanks guys, realistically I can only see myself getting over once in the next decade do I'd be thinking a 3 week trip.

To go all that way I'd like to chase a couple of species to make the most of it. I'd only hunt lions stalking but I know how few people ever succeed with that so probably wouldn't bother.

The thing I really want to do is a MT unlimited sheep hunt. Feels a bit handicapped not being able to scout and a bloody long way to go if the unit closes day 1!

I'd go AK hands down if I was able to do it diy no questions asked! WY I had considered, can't remember why I even knocked it out if the running, I think I thought it took a fair few points to draw a decent muley unit?

Appreciate the help.
I was in the same position a few years ago. I recommend buying points in WY (elk, deer & pronghorn) and CO (elk & deer). In Idaho they don’t have pioints. If you want to hunt other species eg bear, lion & wolf I reckon guided is the way to go unfortunately, Canada probably best.

PM me if you want more info and also happy to talk over the phone if that’s easier.

I went for a one off trip 3 years ago and now it’s an annual trip for me now. Be prepared for that :)
I was in the same position a few years ago. I recommend buying points in WY (elk, deer & pronghorn) and CO (elk & deer). In Idaho they don’t have pioints. If you want to hunt other species eg bear, lion & wolf I reckon guided is the way to go unfortunately, Canada probably best.

PM me if you want more info and also happy to talk over the phone if that’s easier.

I went for a one off trip 3 years ago and now it’s an annual trip for me now. Be prepared for that :)

That's what scares me, if I start doing that my missus would have me getting around like a wether! Haha

I'll send you a dm when i get a chance.

What part of nz are you mate? Have you hunter over the ditch here?
I think you realistically have a shot at 3 of 4 and 80% chance at 2 of the 4 bear, elk, mule deer, and pronghorn in 3 weeks. I've done pronghorn (MT), pronghorn (WY), mule deer (CO), elk (mt) in four consecutive weekends.

I agree with Kiwi WY and CO pts, although I would also buy bonus points for Pronghorn in MT. Feel free to pm me as well.
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Acquiring preference points for 4 years in WY would open up some solid options for mule deer and would [probably] guarantee you a general elk tag.

Do this, you will be glad! I also noticed you said 3 weeks, stretch that as long as you can, with travel days and getting setup/scouting that 3 weeks will go by fast. Ask questions here if you need help, lots of experiance and good dudes...

With 4 PP you could have an awesome combo hunt in Wyoming for elk, deer and antelope. Never know may even draw a random tag for moose or sheep, it's possible if you apply.
I’m in Wellington. I haven’t hunted Australia yet. Would like to one day for chital.

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