Help?.....A Hunt For Wolfeman....



Many of you know my great friend Wolfeman, and have heard of his failing health in the last few months. Well, after having a heart attack while on our elk hunt in Colorado this year, they now think he has prostrate cancer....will be tested soon to confirm or deny. His bad health has made it very difficult for him to hunt and his mobility from circulation problems is a struggle at best. I feel I may not get many more hunts with my lifelong buddy, and he has had to pass on his Wyo app due this month. I am going home in March, and was thinking it would be neat as hell to pay for him to go on a Texas Exotic hunt. It would be something we could do at that time, high success rate even for someone "mobility challenged", and could really be a hoot for a couple of guys who have spent nearly 20 years together every fall doing what they so love, hunting together.

What I was wanting is, some suggestions from any of you that have been on a similiar Texas hunt, or know of one that would be worth checking in on. I am looking for some fast action for my friend for 2 or 3 days, lodging included if possible. It is a small price for me to pay for a friend that has given me so much.

Timberman, if you read this, it's our secret!

[This message has been edited by Deerslayer (edited 01-15-2001).]
When CaliH and Moosie get back, ask them what they thought about their trip. I have some friends that have hunted with the same outfitter and they were very pleased. Saw plenty of game, had several hunting methods available to them and took some nice animals at a very reasonable price. If you want more info about other places, let me know. A friend of mine is the past president of the Dallas SCI and knows everybody who's anybody in the business. I'd be glad to ask him for any suggestions. Good luck to you and Wolfeman. SR
Thanks Shadow...and thanks to those of you who sent me e-mails on this....I think I have some pretty good leads....